Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Safer In Sussex Community Fund

Grants available for: Local community groups that help reduce or prevent crime in Sussex
Size of grants given:  up to £5,000
Next deadline: expected to be in Spring 2025

Aims of Fund

The aim of the fund is to support community projects in Sussex which will increase and/or promote community safety within the local community.

Who can apply

You can apply if you are a local, not-for-profit community organisation, based in Sussex.

How much and what can you apply for

The maximum you can apply for is £5,000.

Priority will be given to projects/organisations that have not been funded by the PCC before, and those which have match-funding from other sources, so that the initiative is not solely dependent on the Community Safety Fund.

Your project needs to link to at least one of the following priorities from the Sussex Police and Crime Plan 2021-24:

  • Strengthen local policing, tackle and prevent harm.
  • Relentless disruption of serious and organised crime
  • Support victims and safeguard the vulnerable

Your application will also need to demonstrate that your project:

  • will have a positive and lasting impact in the local community
  • is based on strong evidence to support the need for the project in the local community
  • helps to prevent offending and reduce re-offending
  • demonstrates clear measures to demonstrate impact and/or outcomes of the work
  • works in partnership with other organisations and links with the local Community Safety partnership

For further details, read through the full guidance.

How to apply

Fill in the online form. You cannot save the form and return to it, so they suggest preparing your answers in Word first, then copy and pasting them in. The main questions are:

  • In less than 250 words describe your project and what it will deliver
  • Please demonstrate how project and/or the outcomes will increase and/or promote community safety within the local community and how it links with the Commissioners priorities (max 500 words)
  • Please provide evidence that supports the need for the project in the local community. For example local statistics, testimonials etc. (max 500 words)
  • Please outline how the project helps to prevent offending or reduce re-offending (max 300 words).
  • Please show how the project has worked in partnership with others or has local links. Have you made contact with your local Community Safety Partnership or other local organisations?
    Tell us of any sustainability or legacy of the project (max 300 words).
  • Please provide a series of clear performance measures or SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time bound) outcomes that will demonstrate positive impact and/or outcomes of the work. For example how many people will your project stop re-offending? How many children will your project engage?

As well as filling in the form, you will need to email the following documents to

  • Safeguarding documents ( if your project involves young/ vulnerable people)
  • Risk Assessments
  • Copy of last year accounts
  • Governance Document

Deadlines for application

The fund opens twice a year for applications, usually in May and September.

Contact details
01273 481561

Last updated: 8/11/24 DA

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All Resource Centre information is available for free because we know small community groups have small budgets. However, we are a small charity, so if you are in a position to make a donation, it will help us to keep running this service into the future.