Brighton & Hove Community Catalyst Fund

Grants available for: community groups, voluntary organisations and not for profit social enterprises in Brighton & Hove
Size of grants given: Up to £10,000 per year for 2 years
Deadlines: Friday 18th October 2024

Aims of Fund

The fund reflects the priorities of the Council Plan and seeks to support the resilience of not-for-profit organisations through the provision of 2-year funding towards core costs and project costs.

Who can apply

Applications are open to locally-based community and voluntary organisations with incomes up to £500,000 a year.

How much and what can you apply for

Up to £10,000 per year, for 2 years.

All applications must address at least one of the following outcomes.

A City To Be Proud Of

Projects and activities that support the city to have a more sustainable environment and be a happier and safer place to live, with a prospering economy.


  • improving the natural environment and green spaces
  • initiatives that reduce carbon emissions
  • re-use, recycle and circular economy projects

A Fair and Inclusive City

Projects and activities that help to make the city fairer, more accessible, and inclusive where people feel safe included and welcome.


  • support for residents with physical or mental difficulties
  • advice and support services
  • support for marginalised communities
  • support for communities that experience economic disadvantage
  • activities that help to meet local community safety partnership priorities

A Healthy City Where People Thrive

Projects and activities which support residents to live and age well or support children and young people to have a safe and better future.


  • children and young people’s development, education and employment readiness projects
  • mental health support
  • preventative work supporting families
  • health prevention and recovery services
  • sport and leisure activities

In addition to demonstrating how you will deliver the chosen outcome, organisations should be able to:

  • tell us about your experience of delivering in the city
  • show evidence of need
  • clearly demonstrate how your activity ensures equal opportunities

They will not fund food projects, or building works or capital costs. See the guidance notes for a full list of exclusions.

How to apply

Applications must be made via the council’s online form. You can preview the questions on the  Council’s website.

Deadlines for application

23.59 on Friday 18th October 2024

Contact details

Donna Edmead[email protected]

Updated 11/9/24 DA

Would you like to make a donation?

We hope you find this page useful. Would you like to make a donation?

All Resource Centre information is available for free because we know small community groups have small budgets. However, we are a small charity, so if you are in a position to make a donation, it will help us to keep running this service into the future.