Sussex Gardens Trust

Grants available for: Any group or organisation that manages or owns a park or open space within Sussex.
Size of grants given: up to £1,000
No deadlines

Aims of Fund

To support the survey, repair, restoration, interpretation and promotion of (and in some circumstances new initiatives in) Sussex’s designed parks, gardens and open spaces.

The current focus is on parks and gardens in public or community ownership or management, particularly in urban areas.

Who can apply

Any organisation or group that manages or owns a park or open space in Sussex. Sites may be in public, community, charity or private ownership.

All sites must be either permanently open to the public or, if in private ownership, must agree to open to the public on a minimum of 10 days on each calendar year.

How much and what can you apply for

Up to £1,000, for a wide range of projects related to the health and well-being of Sussex parks and gardens:

  • Help keep the physical park and garden heritage of Sussex in good repair for future generations to enjoy.
  • Help in undertaking surveys, research and publications related to Sussex parks and gardens that will widen knowledge and understanding of, and inform the repair of, that heritage.
  • Help, through encouraging the interpretation of parks and gardens through educational material and activity, to promote greater public knowledge, understanding, enjoyment and care of that heritage.
  • Assist in the creation of new park and garden features where these will have maximum public benefit.

How to apply

Before you can apply, you need to contact the Trust via their website with a brief outline of your project and your timetable so that they can advise you if it is likely to meet their criteria and their funding timetable. If you are eligible to apply, they will send you an application form.

The Trust is also able to offer extensive advice and guidance on project design, funding and management.



Contact details

Contact them via the contact form on their website:

Last updated: 29/4/24 DA

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All Resource Centre information is available for free because we know small community groups have small budgets. However, we are a small charity, so if you are in a position to make a donation, it will help us to keep running this service into the future.