How much money do we have?
This sheet is designed as a template for treasurers of groups to use – for example, to give finance reports at meetings. We suggest you download the pdf version from this page (click on the pdf icon to the right) for a well-formatted version of the form that is easy to fill in.
How to use this sheet
Follow the instructions and fill in the dotted lines with the information relevant to your group.
Finance report for ……………………………………
(write in the name of your group)
on ………………………………..
(date you are reporting for)
At the end of last period ……………………………………
Write in the date of the previous month/quarter/year
We had …………………………………… (A)
Write in the balance on this date
Since then we have received …………………………………… (B)
Add up all the income in your account book during the period
And spent: …………………………………… (C)
Add up all the expenditure in your account book during the period, including petty cash
So our current total is ……………………………………
Add the income (B) to the previous balance (A) and subtract the expenditure (C)
(A + B – C)
The balance of our bank account is …………………………………… (D)
Write in how much money there is in the group’s bank account on the date of your report. Make sure you take into account bank transactions that have not yet appeared on your statement
And the amount of cash we have is …………………………………… (E)
Count your petty cash on the date of your report (same date that you check your bank account balance)
So our total balance is ……………………………………
Add the bank balance (D) and petty cash balance (E) together (D + E). This should be the same figure as the total above.