Brighton & Hove Fairness Fund

Grants available for: Community and voluntary groups in Brighton & Hove that support residents to combat poverty and the cost-of-living crisis and/or help them feel included and valued
Size of grants given: up to £2,000
Deadlines: Friday 4th October 2024

Aims of Fund

The Fairness Fund aims to support the outcomes of the Council Plan for a fair and inclusive city.

There are two strands:

  • The Fairness Fund for People supports grassroots community action led by and supporting marginalised communities and:
    • disabled people
    • Black and racially minoritised people
    • lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual+ (LGBTQIA+) people
  • The Fairness Fund for Place supports grassroots community action led by and supporting neighbourhood-based communities experiencing poverty.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants must:

  • be set up as a not-for-profit community group, voluntary organisation, or social enterprise
  • have a constitution or set of rules explaining how the group is run and organised
  • have a project named bank account or be in the process of setting one up (grassroots groups who wish to apply but do not yet meet these application criteria are encouraged to get in touch early for further advice)
  • have a maximum annual income of £35,000 for the year ending 31 March 2024

How much and what can you apply for

Up to £2,000 for activities such as:

  • activities that support those in difficulty to improve their health and wellbeing
  • intersectional responses to support older people aged 50+ experiencing hardship
  • intersectional responses to support families with children experiencing hardship
  • social support activities around employment and skills development
  • information and advice activities
  • small items up to a maximum of £500
  • storage rental costs
  • utility costs
  • volunteer costs

There is £70,000 in total for the Fairness Fund for People, divided equally between the three communities covered. There is £100,000 in total for the Fairness Fund for People, divided equally between the four areas of the city.

You cannot apply for food crisis support (this will be covered by another funding stream) or capital costs or the purchase of large items.

How to apply

To apply to the Fairness Fund for People 2024 to 2025: download, complete and return the application form by email to [email protected] by Friday 4 October.

To apply to the Fairness Fund for Place 2024 to 2025: download, complete and return the application form by email to [email protected] by Friday 4 October.

The council are running two drop-in information sessions for groups wishing to apply:

Event for disabled not-for-profit community groups, voluntary organisations, or social enterprises:

Date: 26th September, 2024

Time: 11am – 1pm

Location: Possability People, Montague House, 20 Montague Pl, BN2 1JE

Event for black and racially minoritised not-for-profit community groups, voluntary organisations, or social enterprises:

Date: Friday, 27th September

Time: 12pm – 2pm

Location: BMECP Centre, 10 Fleet St, BN1 4ZE

Deadline for application

Friday 4th October 2024

Contact details

Donna Edmead
07842 600 935
[email protected]

Updated 20/09/24 DA

Would you like to make a donation?

We hope you find this page useful. Would you like to make a donation?

All Resource Centre information is available for free because we know small community groups have small budgets. However, we are a small charity, so if you are in a position to make a donation, it will help us to keep running this service into the future.