Review of Brighton & Hove Council Annual Grants

Community and voluntary organisations are invited to a consultation meeting with officers from the city council’s Communities and Third Sector team, to discuss proposed changes to the Annual Grants programme.

Date: Monday 1st June 2015

Time: 9.30am -12.30pm

Venue: Auditorium, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton

To book a place, contact Emma McDermott: [email protected]

Small grants for Health & Wellbeing projects in London Road/Trafalgar/New England area

Grants of up to £500 are available to groups and organisations to run projects/activities that will impact on the Health and Wellbeing of the above area.  Priority will be given to projects that:

  • educate to prevent people starting to smoke or support them when they are ready to stop.
  • help to reduce obesity, improve diet and nutrition, (e.g. via cooking skills, food growing, etc.)
  • improve sexual health
  • ensure active living & increase exercise
  • improve mental health & wellbeing and reduce isolation
  • support healthy ageing and improve health-related quality  of life for older people
  • improve alcohol and drug awareness
  • improve health-related quality of life for those with long term health conditions
  • support health and wellbeing of those living on a reduced budget.

Applications need to be received by end of the day 8th of May for projects that can complete in the next 6 months.  On maximum of the equivalent of two sides of A4 the following information is suggested –

  • Contact name and address
  • Group/Organisation Name (if not individual application)
  • Name of Project
  • Start and End Date
  • Details of Project/Activity -What are you going to do?
  • How this impacts on the themes and priorities of this fund
  • Number, type, and location of beneficiaries – Who you going to do it with, how many, where?
  • How are you going to evaluate the work – How can you show you did what you said you would?
  • Project Cost – with  breakdown – How much/what for?
  • Funding requested – with breakdown (if relevant where is the rest of the money coming from)
  • Sustainability or Exit Strategy – What happens at the end of the Funding?
  • Additional Information – How do we know you can deliver it? for example.

Submission by cut off date to [email protected]

For more information, contact:

Andy Silsby
Community Development Consultant
Serendipity Enterprising Solutions CIC

May 1st deadline for Brighton & Hove council small grants

Brighton & Hove Council has announced the deadlines for this year’s annual grants programme for smaller organisations. The first deadline is Friday May 1st.

The council runs a general grants scheme, offering funding of up to £5,000 for community groups with an annual income below £35,000, as well as four specialist grants programmes:

The council also makes grants of up to £1000 from the Hedgcock Bequest.

Deadlines for all these programmes are:

  • 1 May 2015 (for activities from July 2015 to March 2016)
  • 17 July 2015 (for activities from October 2015 to March 2016)
  • 2 October 2015 (for activities from January 2016 to March 2016)

Seed funding for community-university partnership projects

Seed funding aims to support the development of new or early partnership working between academic staff at the University of Brighton and local community organisations. Each year they invite new partnerships to make applications for up to £5000 to make their ideas happen. Contact Brighton University for more information.


Piggy Bank Fund deadline extended to 17th April

The Piggy Bank Fund provides small grants of around £500 for projects that benefit young people aged 13-19 in Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate.

Applicants will need to fill out an application form, and provide a one minute video about their project. They will then be required to attend a grant presentation session on 22nd April at the Crew Club between 16-30 and 18-00.

The deadline for applications has now been extended to 5pm on Friday 17th April.The videos will be shown at a public event on March 25th, where a vote will be taken on which projects to fund.

For more information contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Jewson Building Better Communities project funding

Deadline 12/04/15.

Jewson are awarding funding of between £1,000 and £50,000 to community projects. Examples of projects: a new roof for your village hall, a sensory garden for local school children or the renovation of a long-forgotten community building.

Works by nomination, followed by shortlisting, followed by voting by the public then a judgement by the panel.

Go to their website: for more information.


RAISE Challenge Fund grants available to support innovative ideas

RAISE Challenge Fund grants are available to support community and voluntary organisations across the South East with grants in the region of £2,500 – £10,000 to help develop leadership and vision, unlock potential and develop innovative ideas. Examples of projects which could be funded are:

  • Business planning
  • Use of data and research
  • Training
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Starting new ventures

Applicants should be able to demonstrate how the proposed project represents a clear change for the organisation.

To apply, fill in an expression of interest form on Surrey Community Foundation’s website.

Deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is 31 May.

Funding for new partnership projects involving Brighton University and local communities

Do you have a good idea for a community-university partnership project?

Do your ideas involve working with communities or projects local to University of Brighton campuses?

Do you need some seed funding to kick-start co-working?

The Community University Partnership Programme (CUPP) has money available for seed funding, to get new partnerships off the ground. Seed funding aims to support the development of new or early partnership working between academic staff at the University of Brighton and local community organisations.  Each year CUPP invite new partnerships to make applications for up to £5000 to make their ideas happen.

The deadline is 8th June 2015.

Please click here for further details and how to apply.

Piggy Bank Fund

The Piggy Bank Fund provides small grants of around £500 for projects that benefit young people aged 13-19 in Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate.

Applicants will need to fill out an application form, and provide a one minute video about their project.

The deadline for applications is March 20th.

The videos will be shown at a public event on March 25th, where a vote will be taken on which projects to fund.

For more information contact: [email protected]

Community Health and Wellbeing Fund

Groups in Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate can apply for up to £500 from the Community Health & Wellbeing Fund.

Theses grants are to support projects that impact on the health and wellbeing of the community. The priorities are for projects or activities that:

  • Educate to prevent people starting to smoke or support them when they are ready to stop,
  • Promote healthy eating, improving diet and nutrition and helping to reduce obesity
  • Encourage active living and physical activity
  • Improve sexual health
  • Encourage and support sensible drinking
  • Improve mental health and wellbeing and address isolation

Applicants will need to provide a link to a one minute video about their project, which has been uploaded to YouTube.

The deadline is 5 p.m. on the 20th March 2015.

Projects will be presented to the public on March 25th, and voting will take place on which projects will be given grants.

For more information contact: [email protected]