Comic Relief Communities Programme: Deadline 9th October 2015

A new round of the Comic Relief Local Communities Programme has now opened to applications across Sussex.

Groups can apply via Sussex Community Foundation. This fund has its own application form, which is available on the Sussex Community Foundation website.

Grants are available to charitable organisations and groups for projects that benefit local communities. Organisations can apply for one of the following themes:

  • Improve people’s life skills, education, employability and enterprise.
  • Maximise people’s ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity.
  • Provide people with opportunities to access local services, achieve greater social justice and to reduce inequality, exclusion and disadvantage.
  • Advance people’s physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety.

Projects should be run by people directly affected by the issues being dealt with, and priority will be given to small, locally-based groups or organisations in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community.

Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available and must be for at least 30% of the total costs of the project.

The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • Residents associations.
  • Community groups.
  • Social Enterprises.
  • Community Interest Companies.
  • Community Interest Organisations.
  • Credit Unions.
  • Community centres.

Examples of activities that can be funded through this programme include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Furniture projects.
  • Benefit advice services.
  • Community sport initiatives.
  • Food co-ops.
  • Initiative designed to combat fuel poverty.
  • Employment and employability projects.
  • Community consultation exercises.
  • Training schemes for committee members, volunteers and staff.

For this round only, Sussex Community Foundation aims to spend at least 50% of the money available on projects which increase access to sport and exercise for people who face social exclusion and isolation.

Funding can be used to cover core costs, salaries and project costs.

The deadline for applications is 9 October 2015.

Fundraising opportunity – garage trail event in Brighton

Cat Fletcher of Brighton Freegle is organising a city-wide day of “Garage Sales” (you don’t need a garage to hold a Sale!) on Saturday 26th September.

The idea is that people can have a declutter and run a Sale from home, school, workplace, community venue or from anywhere even a garage! This encourages reuse, decluttering and increases the flow of second hand goods around the city but it also is a fab opportunity to do some fundraising.

Even if your charity or community group can not hold a Garage Sale yourselves, you can ask your supporters to hold one from home and donate the proceeds.

It is free and easy to take part.

Just go here It takes a few mins to register your intent to hold a Garage Sale on Sept 26th.

Cat will then promote all the Sales and map them so buyers will have a fun trail of Sales around the city to go to on the day.

If you’d like extra information, or help to organise a Garage Sale, posters or flyers then please do get in touch!

Email: [email protected]


Twitter: @GSTUK_Brighton

Kitchen equipment competition for community projects

If your community organisation is looking to update its kitchen facilities, funding is now available from the British cooking appliance company, Stoves. It is part of the company’s new ‘Community Kitchens’ campaign and aims to place kitchens at the heart of local communities.

There are three prizes available: silver and bronze winners will receive Stoves appliance packages worth between £2,000 and £3,000, with overall winner will receive £5,000 in prizes.

To be eligible, your project must be owned, developed and led by the local community. In your nomination, you must explain why a kitchen would add value to your project in no more than 300 words.

The closing date for entries to the first Community Kitchens competition is 13th September 2015. Once the nominations period has closed, a shortlist will be announced, which will then be put to a public vote.

To enter or nominate a community project or good cause, visit the community kitchen page on the Stoves website.

Bid Writing Basics: Free Workshop for LGBTQ Community Groups

LGBT HIP is running a bid-writing basics workshop for LGBTQ groups:

Are you part of an established or emerging LGBTQ community group? Does bid-writing feel like a mystery to you? This 3 hour workshop is for those who are new to fundraising and looks at what it takes to secure grants of up to £10,000 to develop your group’s activities. We will look at how to identify funders for your cause, what funders are looking for, and what makes a successful bid.

Monday 7th September


Conference room, Community Base

Please book a place by sending an email to [email protected]


Funding for community projects

BrightonSoup are looking for community projects requiring a small amount of funding to pitch at their community Soup events. Four people are invited to talk about their project to a room full of interested people, who then decide on their favourite. They each get 5 minutes to explain their project and what they will do with the money. All of the guests have paid to come to the event and the winning projects gets all of the door money taken on the night.

Although one project gets the funding, all the projects get an opportunity to make connections and get support – it’s about more than just the money. Get in touch with Will Anjos at for more details.

£250 available for BME and faith groups in Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate

Due East have launched a new grant for BME and faith groups in the Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate area.

Grants of up to £250 are available for projects that help meet the following objectives :

  •   Enable new community activity to take place involving residents from cultural , ethnic and faith groups who have  previously not carried out community activity in the DueEast area.
  •   Bring together people from different cultural ethnic and faith backgrounds in inclusive and accessible activities so that  these differing traditions can be celebrated and better understood in the local community

To apply, you need to complete a short application form and make a 1 minute YouTube video about your project idea. You will also need to attend a public voting event in September or October, before being awarded a grant.

Deadline for applications is 17th September 2015. You can download an application form from the Due East website.

If you want any help or support in developing your project ideas or making your application contact the Serendipity community development team: [email protected].


Funding for mid-life mental health projects

Deadline: 4 September 2015.

For more information go to:

Why Mid-Life Mental Health?

Mental health underpins health and wellbeing and impacts everyone. For many people mid-life, from the late 20s to early 50s, can be a time of increased challenges, responsibilities and pressures, in their working lives, family lives and relationships.

The Bupa UK Foundation is looking to fund projects that aim to support and improve people’s mental health at this critical life-stage.

What kind of projects is the Bupa UK Foundation looking to fund?

The Bupa UK Foundation welcomes expressions of interest from practical projects or initiatives which will have a direct impact on people’s health and well-being, fall clearly into theme of mid-life mental health, and focus one of the following priority areas:

  • Prevention – equipping people with the skills they need to monitor, maintain and improve their own mental health.
  • Early intervention – enabling people to access effective support directly and as soon as they become aware of their needs.
  • Integration – addressing the link between physical and mental health.

It is expected that projects receiving funding are likely to be delivered within 12 to 18 months.

How many grants will be available and at what level of funding?

The Bupa UK Foundation expects to make around 20 grants split across the following levels:

. Larger grants – over £50,000. For projects that have a broad reach and the potential to deliver a sustained impact.

. Medium grants – up to £50,000. For distinct one-off projects, which might include pilots of new models of care or initiatives designed to benefit clearly defined groups.

. Small grants – up to £10,000. For smaller projects delivered at local level to directly benefit a specific group.

Due East grants for local groups in Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate

Due East have announced the following grant programmes for groups in Whitehawk, Manor Farm, and Bristol Estates:

1.Piggy Bank – Youth Fund

Youth Funding – bids for share of £6,000.00 for Youth projects in and/or benefiting young people in the Whitehawk, Manor Farm, and Bristol Estates.

2.Community Health and Wellbeing Fund

Just over £2,500 is available for grants of up to £500 per application. The overarching theme for grants is to support projects that impact on the health and wellbeing of  the community.

3.Cancer Champions Project Community Chest

Applications are invited for grants of up to £500 for projects that contribute to the Cancer Champions Project goals:

  • Increase knowledge about cancers amongst all the diverse groups and communities in the DueEast neighbourhoods
  • Recruit and train volunteer Cancer Champions from across the three neighbourhoods
  • Raise awareness of the importance of cancer screening and early symptom awareness and increase rates of attendance at screening
  • Identify barriers local people face in accessing cancer screening and taking other preventive measures and provide practical actions to help break these barriers down
  • Help local people feel more comfortable talking about cancer
  • Improve knowledge in the neighbourhoods of  DueEast about services to support people living with cancer

4.Challenge 2015 ! Community Chest

Applications are welcome primarily from individuals or groups of people who have  signed up to take the Challenge 2015! already this year, but applications will also be considered from  groups of local residents and community groups for projects that help meet the goals of the DueEast Challenge 2015 ! initiative :

  • Provide local people with a chance to get together to take part in  new activities that will help them to feel better about themselves and especially to improve their  mental health and wellbeing.
  • The activities can be anything that contributes to the 5 Ways to Wellbeing :
    • Connect – get together with other people to do something. Seek out someone you enjoy spending time with.
    • Get Active – take part in a physical activity even if it is as simple as a walk near your home or somewhere you love .
    • Keep Learning – Have a go at something different , learn something new or pick up a fresh skill.
    • Take Notice – Take a minute to look around and find a moment of calm and stillness and take a fresh look at your surroundings.
    • Give – Do something new for someone else or that will be of benefit for your friends, family or wider community.
    • Grants of up to £200 are available to fund activities that local people set up as part of Challenge 2015!

NB : Projects funded by the Challenge 2015! Community chest should be completed by end of December 2015 .

5. DueEast Multi-cultural , Minority Ethnic and Inter-Faith Project Community Chest

Applications are  welcome from  groups of residents from  cultural , faith  and BME ( Black and Minority Ethnic ) groups in the neighbourhoods of the DueEast area.

Grants of up to £250 are available for projects that help meet the following objectives :

  • Enable new community activity to take place involving residents from cultural , ethnic and faith groups who have  previously not carried out community activity in the DueEast area.
  • Bring together people from different cultural ethnic and faith backgrounds in inclusive and accessible activities so that  these differing traditions can be celebrated and better understood in the local community

How to Apply ?

Decide which pot of funding you want to apply for.

Complete the simple two sides A4 application form for each funding source to be returned by 5pm 17th September  along with a one minute youTube video detailing the project, and a commitment to attend one public voting event in late September/ early October.

Application forms available from – email [email protected].  – Text/voicemail 07974571300.

If you want any help or support in developing your project ideas or making your application contact the Serendipity community development team: [email protected]

Summer Pride Grants now open

Brighton and Hove City Council have announced the deadline for their Summer Pride grants for community organisations.

Grants of up to £500 are available for groups to run activities as part of Pride 2015.


Community Health Fund deadline 17 July

Grants of up to £1,500 are available to community groups (annual income up to £35,000) working on health improvement projects. The next deadline for applications is 5pm Friday 17th July 2015 (Sussex Community Foundation are managing the grant giving process).

A few examples of things funded in the past include:

  •  Community festivals with a health and well-being focus
  • Singing groups
  • Serving healthy food in a group
  • Exercise classes for women from BME communities
  • Women only swimming sessions
  • Weekly meet ups and social events for specific communities
  •  And much more!

As well as the usual criteria, this round there is a particular emphasis on supporting older people’s projects to promote health and well-being – such as physical activities, intergenerational work and projects around food and healthy eating.

There is help available to make your application – see contact details below or at the information session.

Information Session

Tuesday 2nd June
6pm to 8pm
10a Fleet Street Brighton
(please let Lisa at Community Works know you are coming)

For more information contact Lisa Mytton:

Tel: 01273 234031
Email: [email protected]
(the application form and guidance notes are available to download from this page)