Climate Action grants – DEADLINE 9 March

Climate Rush has a small amount of funding available for climate activism.

You are invited to apply for up to 3K (or more if you think the idea merits it) for a project ideally involving somebody who has been active with Climate Rush in the past.

Closing date 9th March.

Email: [email protected] with a brief summary of the project and what funds would be spent on.

Applicants will be notified approximately 1 month afterwards.

The Homity Trust – funds for small groups in Brighton

For more information: and

Comic Relief Community Cash grants available via Sussex Community Foundation

Comic Relief Community Cash grants available for organisations in Sussex with an income under £100,000.

Grants of up to £1000 available for groups working in areas of deprivation or with deprived communities.

Deadline 23rd February.

Contact Sussex Community Foundation for more information.  01273 409440



Free workshop: What are funders looking for?

This workshop for community groups is being organised by Community Works as part of their members’ conference. You can just attend this workshop, or go to the whole conference.

Date: Thursday 12 February 2015

Time: 1.00 – 3.45pm

Venue: Brighthelm Centre, North Road

Trainer: Paul Bramwell (formerly Working Together Project)

The session will look at the steps any community group needs to take before making an application for funding. The session is being led by Paul Bramwell and it will set out those steps to help community groups be ‘funding bid ready’.

Please note! As this is happening as part of Community Works’ wider conference, there are other sessions you might be interested in booking on to (particularly the ‘Sector Market place’ where you can find out about other support available to your group).

To book:

When you book on please select ‘Small Groups Network’ from the afternoon sessions list.

If you have any problems with booking on to the session contact Lisa Mytton at Community Works on 01273 234031.

Good Food Grants

Good Food Grants is a funding programme that awards small grants for community projects that aim to improve the health, skills and confidence of local residents though healthy eating, increased cookery skills and food growing.

Good Food Grants is now celebrating its 9th year. Over the last 8 years it has supported 240 projects around the city. Funded projects last year included supporting a community allotment for families with disabled children, a cookery group in a homeless hostel and a cookery project with parents and children at a youth centre.

Good Food Grants is now open to applications.

Community organisations are invited to apply for grants of up to £500 for food projects in Brighton & Hove. The deadline for applications is Friday 6th March 2015.
Grants will be awarded by 20th April 2015

This year they will only be funding projects that involve:

  • Cooking, growing and healthy eating activities
  • Improving accessibility at community gardens

Applicants need to be working with adults over 16 who are:

  • Vulnerable adults (especially people with learning disabilities or those with experience of homelessness, mental health issues, abuse and addiction)
  • Adults with physical disabilities

They are holding a drop-in for prospective applicants on Tues 20th Jan from 3 – 7pm
at the Brighthelm Centre.

If you have any queries, to book a place on the drop-in session or to get further funding advice on local fund suitable for food projects please contact Helen Starr-Keddle, Harvest Development Officer, on 01273 431700

To download the application form please go here:

Harvest Development Officer
Brighton & Hove Food Partnership
The Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD
01273 431718 / 07850 002596 <>


People’s Health Trust: deadline extended

The Active Communities fund from the People’s Health Trust is open in East & West Sussex, Brighton & Hove until 7th January 2015.

See our information page for full details about what this fund is for and who can apply.

People’s Health Trust funding

The PHT are launching their new Active Communities programme: 12th November.

£300,000 is available for local community groups (with an income of up to£350,000) supporting people living in the  30% most deprived areas in Sussex. Projects should encourage social interaction and be initiated designed and run by local people and grants of between £5000 and £25,000 a year are available.

Application is through an online form  at and the deadline is 24 December at 1pm.  You need to go to this website initially to see if you and your group are operating in one of their designated areas

SCF is able to give telephone and email advice and will also have a drop in here in Lewes on 12 December to talk through applications and ideas.  Our guidelines/criteria are on our website at

Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund

The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund is open for applications again, offering small grants to help small, local community groups and charities across the UK and Ireland.

Now in its fourth year, the Fund will distribute five £300 awards each week, one of which will be for the applicant that attracts the most support on the Fund’s website that week.

The Fund is open for entries until 23 February 2015.

Since it was first established the Fund has supported more than 100,000 people.

Applications need to be made on line. Go to:


ESF Community Funding for groups in Brighton

There is going to be an extra and final round of ESF Community Grants funding available to groups in Brighton and Sussex.

The final round is now open and will close on Friday 21st November.

Grants up to £15,000 will be awarded to organisations that are in receipt of under £300,000 per year, and have less than 9 employees. The grant is to be used to support the most disadvantaged unemployed individuals to access further learning, build confidence and progress into employment. Projects need to be completed by the end of April 2015.

For further information and to request an application form, please contact Jackie Bruder at Surrey Community Action: [email protected]

Community First Grants for St Peters & North Laine and Queens Park Wards

Deadline 31st October 2014 

St.Peter’s North Laine
has £11,655 in grants to allocate for projects that benefit the Ward and meet locally identified priorities.  Amounts of up to £2500 can be applied for by voluntary and third sector groups.  Projects need to be completed (or the Community First funded part of the project) by 1st March 2015 and need to bring at least equal amounts of Match Funding – can be in cash or kind (includes volunteer hours).

Completed application forms have to be received by email by 5pm on 31st of October with projects being able to start as soon as they have had confirmation of the grant.  Further details and application forms can be found at:

Queens Park Ward
has £17,037 in grants to allocate for projects that benefit the Ward and meet locally identified priorities.  Amounts of up to £2500 can be applied for by voluntary and third sector groups.  Projects need to be completed (or the Community First  funded part of the project) by 1st March 2015 and need to bring at least equal amounts of Match Funding – Can be in cash or kind (includes volunteer hours).  Completed application forms have to be received by email by 5pm on 31st of October with projects being able to start as soon as they have had confirmation of the grant.  Further details and application forms can be found at:

For further info and/or application forms contact [email protected]