Gannett Foundation 2014 deadline announced

The Gannett Foundation is now accepting applications from charities in the areas served by Gannett Company newspapers (Gannett owns the Argus, so this includes Brighton & Hove).

You can apply for up to £10,000, for “projects which take a creative approach to fundamental issues such as education and neighbourhood improvements, economic development, youth development, community problem solving, assistance to disadvantaged people, environmental conservation and cultural enrichment”.

Full details are on our Gannett Foundation page.

Life more ordinary – grants for young disabled people

The Life More Ordinary Grant Scheme has just launched. This scheme is aimed at helping young disabled people aged 8–19 to make new friends, enjoy social and leisure-time activities, take part in new experiences and lead a ‘life more ordinary’.

The deadline for applications is Monday 29th September.

Applications are welcome from any voluntary, community or statutory organisation​ in East Sussex – you can apply for any amount from £300 up to £3,500 ​(funding is available for up to 90% of the total cost of your project).

More information is available on the Spark website or email [email protected].

Sussex Community Foundation – Round 3 grants deadline 11 October

Round 3 list of grant funds from Sussex Community Foundation is now available. The deadline for applications is 11th October.

This is a larger round than usual for SCF as they have a number of additional smaller annual funds available.

Check their website  for more information, or give Mary a ring on 01273 409440.

More information on Sussex Community Foundation grants is also available on the Resource Centre website


Fundraising training event – free for small charities

The FSI is organising a two day training event, which is free for small charities, covering useful fundraising skills and techniques.

  • Venue Bridge Community Centre, Lucraft Road, Moulsecoomb, Brighton BN2 4PN
  • Date 17th & 18th September 2014 (attend one day or both)
  • Time 9.30am-4.30pm (registration from 9.15am)
  • Cost The training and all delegate materials are free of charge to FSI Small Charity Members and Associate Members.  However we ask for a small contribution of £10 towards the cost of refreshments and lunch.
  • Deposit You will be asked to pay a deposit of £50 per delegate place on registration.  £40 of this will be refunded to you after you have attended the training event (£10 is retained towards the refreshment and catering costs).
  • Multiple bookings Courses last all day so you can only attend one session per day and delegates from the same organisation may not attend the same course as each other.

You need to join the FSI to access a free place at this event. This is free for small charities (annual turnover below £1.5M) – you have to be a registered charity to join).

Full details of the event are at

Funding for multi-faith projects

The government has put money into a fund for small, local, multi-faith projects. Grants will normally be for £2,000, but in a few cases they may give a grant of £5,000.

The fund is called the Together in Service Fund and the scheme is being run by Faith Action.

In order to be eligible for funding, you need to:

  • Be an organisation with a constitution or set of rules
  • Join the Together in Service Fellowship
  • Be running a project which contributes to the overall Together in Service objectives. Provide examples of events planned or delivered
  • Involve faith-based groups/people in your project, with preference for multi-faith projects.
  • Engage people from more than one faith community in your project. For example, Buddhists and Muslims, or Jews and Hindus.
  • Provide match-funding equivalent to the grant amount requested.
  • Write an end of project report, providing  evidence of value for money, best practice and social impact. Provide photos and case studies for publicity purposes.

Grants are not available for the following:

  • Core costs.
  • Christian groups seeking funding for franchise projects. Funding is available for these projects via the Cinnamon Network.

Projects must be completed, including all end-of-project reporting, by the end of March 2015.

You can apply for funding at There are two remaining deadlines: 25th August 2014 and 1st December 2014.

2015 GSK IMPACT Awards – open for applications

The GSK Impact awards recognise and reward charities that work to improve people’s health. The awards of funded by GlaxoSmtihKline, and managed in partnership with the King’s Fund. The awards reward small to medium sized charities that can point to a track record of achievement in community health issues.

In order to apply for the award, charities must be registered, at least three years old, and working in a health-related field in the UK. They must also have a total annual income of between £25,000 and £2 million.

Up to ten winners will receive £30,000 funding, and the overall winner will receive an extra £10,000. Up to ten runners-up will receive £3,000.

There is no requirement to present a new project, and the award money can be spent in a way that you decide. Additionally, award winners will be offered free training and development valued at up to £6,000.

Judges will be looking for evidence of innovation, management, partnership, achievement, community focus, and targeting need. You can view the guidelines and access the online application form by visiting the Kings Fund website.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 19th September 2014.

Edge Fund open for applications

Edge Fund supports communities, campaign groups and activists struggling for social, economic and environmental justice, in particular we fund work that:

  1. Is run by and for people facing discrimination and injustice (due to their class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, or other factors) who are actively working to challenge these injustices and to create just and healthy communities; AND/ OR
  2. Aims to create systemic change – work that seeks to dismantle and replace the structures and processes that create oppression, inequality and environmental destruction.

They have grants available of up to £5000, though most grants given are under £3000.

For more information see our Favourite Funder entry for Edge Fund.
[email protected]

East Brighton Communities First Funding

Communities First Funding is available to groups in the East Brighton ward. You can apply for £250-2,500. The total amount given will be around £16,000.

The fund is aiming to:

▪  Support local projects that improve the quality of life for local people

▪  Make improvements to the environment and public safety.

▪  Promote good communications and information sharing across the ward

▪  Promote inclusiveness of communities of interest and those experiencing deprivation.

The deadline for applying for funding is 14th July 2014. Projects must be completed by 31st March 2015.

To apply you need to complete an application form AND make a 1 minute video about your project. For more information and an application form email [email protected].

Decisions will be made by ward residents voting at Whitehawk Summer Festival on 19th July, and online voting 21st-28th July. Results will be announced in early August.

East Brighton Trust grants available

East Brighton Trust are a Community Interest Company based in Moulsecoomb who since 2008, have given out over £284,000 helping fund everything from school minibuses to local festivals, OAP trips, gardening groups, children’s playgroups and sports clubs.

If you are involved in a group in Moulsecoomb, Bates Estate, Saunders Park, Manor Farm, Whitehawk or Higher Bevendean and could use a grant of up to £500 to purchase new materials or run an event you can apply at their website:

The deadline for small grant applications is 30th June.

The application process is very simple and quick.

They say:

“We are keen to receive as many applications as possible and hoping to hear from some new groups as well as receiving applications from groups who have benefited from East Brighton Trust grants in the past.”

So please do help spread the word and apply for a grant if you run a community group in East Brighton!

Grassroots Giving fund for small community groups

For 2014, Skipton Building Society has allocated 161 donations of £500 to help fund development for grassroots organisations in communities.

The idea behind Grassroots Giving campaign is to help community organisations, or groups, who only have access to limited funding from elsewhere. For this reason, registered charities will not be able to request funding via Grassroots Giving.

To summarise, applications to support the following WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING:

  • Rent and/or maintenance of a property
  • Expeditions, holidays or travel programmes
  • UK centres for overseas projects
  • Projects which are normally the responsibility of other organisations such as the NHS or local government
  • Medical research and medical equipment
  • Animal welfare
  • Party political activities
  • Promotion of religious causes
  • Running costs including: rent, insurance, employee wages, expenses and training of volunteers
  • Direct costs of fundraising events, including: paying for food, drink, room hire, promotional goods or other direct elements of a fundraising event or activities
  • Loans or business finance
  • Requests to cover the costs of travel expenses or sponsorship of events
  • Individuals and students not  part of a wider group
  • Groups that have an annual net profit of more than £10,000
  • Activities taking place outside of the UK

Funding round opened 1st May.

Fore more information: