Becoming a CIO workshop

Community Works is running a workshop on How to become a Charitable Incorporated organisation.

Where: Rose Room, BMECP, Fleet Street
When: 12 February, 6.00-8.00pm
Book: via Eventbrite

Led by Tim Smith of Griffith Smith Solicitors, this session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) legal structure, including the differences between a CIO and a Community Interest Company (CIC), and how to convert from a CIC to a CIO.

It will look at issues such as:

  • what is a CIO and the requirements?
  • the main reasons for choosing a CIO structure
  • reasons not to choose a CIO structure
  • ‘association’ versus ‘foundation’ model
  • how to go about setting up a CIO and demonstrating your charitable objectives effectively
  • understanding the challenges of adopting a CIO structure
  • the process for converting to a CIO from another structure e.g. CIC
  • the differences between a CIO and CIC

The workshop is free, but you need to register – priority will be given to Community Works members.

Looking for grants?

Community Works are offering groups a chance to book an appointment for a search of the national Grantfinder database.

You should have a clear idea of your funding requirements, be actively looking for funding and be planning to make an applications shortly.

Slots available between 10-2pm on Friday 15 February and Friday 22 March at the Community Works office in Community Base.

Find out more about this service:

Book a slot by emailing Donna Edmead on [email protected] or calling 01273 291112.

Homity Trust – Grant applications welcome!

DEADLINE 31st January 2019

ONLY through

The Homity Trust is seeking applications from community groups based in Sussex. They say:

‘Our Trustees and Grants committee meet 3 times a year to consider the best quality applications and can award smaller (<£1000) funds quickly to those groups showing real need. Homity is not bound to any particular sector but does prefer proactive community causes. If you have a well argued need for your cause then why not apply? Your application must be made via the form on our website. The more information and costings you can provide the more chance that your application will make it for consideration by our lovely Trustees. Full due diligence will be carried out before grants are awarded. Homity does not provide funds for individuals, political or religious causes, large capital projects or profit making organisations.

So head to the website and see whether you should make an application this month for consideration in February, and feel free to forward to any relevant organisations who may not be on this list. Please don’t leave it to the last day and good luck!’

Good Food Grants – deadline March 14th 2019

Thanks to a generous bequest from Neil Smith, Brighton & Hove Food Partnership is again offering Good Food Grants to local community food projects.

Groups can apply for grants of between £200 and £850 for projects working to improve the health, skills and confidence of local residents through healthy eating, increased cookery skills and food growing. They are looking for projects that bring people together, celebrate food and support the city’s most vulnerable residents.

This year’s scheme is focused on projects which benefit adults with mental health issues and people experiencing poverty. Please check the guidelines before applying.

There is more information about the scheme, and a link to download the application form, on the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership website.

Grants for tenants of Southern Housing Group

If you live in a Southern Housing Group property, you can apply for small grants to organise activities and outings for people in your community, or work together with your neighbours to improve your gardens. Check out our new information pages about Southern Housing Group Grants for Customers and Southern Housing Group Gardening Neighbours grants for more information.

Working with the Media: Wednesday 23 January 2019

This training in run by Community Works.

Are you confident when working with the media? Understanding how to engage with print, TV and radio journalists is key to the success of your organisation. Come along to this workshop which will help you to:

  • recognise the media’s agenda,
  • understand different ways of dealing with different media and how to communicate with each,
  • develop and illustrate your key messages and avoid the common pitfalls.

The Workshop will cover:

  • a ‘whistle-stop’ tour of the media including print, TV, radio and social media
  • tips and tactics
  • what to do if it goes wrong

This session will be led by Tracey Allen from SeaPR, who has over twenty years of experience working with the media representing the third sector and has a strong understanding of how charities can work effectively with local businesses and how to get an optimum response from different media organisations.

To book; via Eventbrite

Nationwide Fund for Housing and Homelessness

Charities, community land trusts and housing co-operatives can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 to make a change in the local area.

Nationwide are looking for local housing projects that will strengthen the local community by supporting the most vulnerable, finding new approaches to increasing the supply of housing or by reinventing renting for both tenants and landlords.

The funded projects will also get community and volunteering support.

The programme will support:

  • Core costs
  • Staff costs
  • Development and capacity building costs
  • Volunteer costs
  • Activity costs
  • Small-scale capital costs
  • Building works and refurbishment costs will be considered, where they are essential to the successful delivery of the project.

The deadline for applications is Friday 7th December 2018.

Find out more at

Community Buildings information and networking event 15th November

The Trust for Developing Communities and the Community Buildings Network are holding an event in November to give those involved with running Community Buildings the chance to network and get support in managing their buildings. The event is free and lunch is included.

You do not need to already be a member of the Community Buildings Network to attend, but Advance registration is essential

Thursday 15th November

10.00 – 2.30 pm with lunch

Conference Room, Community Base, Brighton

  • Learn how to recruit and keep trustees, committee members and volunteers
  • Make sure your building is Dementia friendly
  • Save lots of time with our quick overview of essential policies for community buildings
  • Network with others managing community buildings and the CBN committee
  • Share your issues and get advice

Book your space here

For more information or if you have any questions please contact [email protected] or call Cal Chester on 01273 262220.


New way to reach student volunteers

Sussex University Students’ Union are launching a new part of their website which will enable organisations to promote volunteer opportunities directly to students and students to search online.

At this stage they are collecting organisation & volunteer opportunity information (in the future organisations will be able to register directly on the website) for an official launch in the next couple of months. In November a new member of staff will be starting who is also managing 30 hour student volunteer placements.

In the meantime if you are interested in registering there is a google form where you can enter details about the volunteering opportunities you have available.

Brighton Energy Coop Funding – deadline 30th November

Brighton Energy Coop’s Community Fund is now open for applications

This year applications for grants  – up to £3,500 – are open for any organisation in the BN postcode area until 30th November 2018. They intend to announce the winner before Christmas, and for projects to be up and running by March 2019.

The aim of the fund is to support local generation of renewable electricity or implement energy efficiency measures.

Further Guidelines and Application Form for applying to the fund are available here:

For additional information please contact Stefania on: [email protected]