Sussex Police Community Cashback funding for groups

Sussex Police is using funds seized from criminals to support community projects. The proceeds of Crime Act will be used in conjunction with the powers of the courts to confiscate money and assets from criminals who have been convicted of varying offences and are making the funds available for approved projects and initiatives that will benefit the diverse communities of Sussex.

The Community Cashback,  grant scheme has been set up which is available to anyone to help fund their community project. Community Cashback is for projects and initiatives which help to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, enable diversion from crime or reduce the fear of crime in a community or neighbourhood.

There is a total of £50,000 available to give out to projects and will be awarding individual grants for amounts between £1,000 and £10,000.

The deadline for applications for grants from current available funding is 12 July 2013.

Full details can be found at:

Grants available for groups in East Brighton

Run a football or youth club? Want to organise a trip for local residents or put on an event in East Brighton?  East Brighton Trust (EBT) is giving community groups up to £300 and is now open to applications.

More details available online:

Funds for projects involving older people

The Pargiter Fund

Sussex Community Foundation (SCF) has a new fund now open for applications.  It is aimed at older people in grass root groups and projects broadly working  around:

* Improving health and well-being: reducing isolation, providing hot meals and refreshments, and helping older people to stay active through sports, arts, recreation, social clubs and volunteering

* Improving access to facilities, advice and training – providing transports, supporting Good Neighbourhood and befriending schemes and improving access to information and IT for older people

* Overcoming problems – helping older people who are experiencing difficult circumstances due to an illness, injury, disability, bereavement or financial difficulty.

Grants are up to £5000 and to apply groups should use the SCF application form:


Money for community buildings

Screwfix Foundation

The Screwfix Foundation, established earlier this year, will raise money through staff fundraising events as well as from collection boxes placed in its 280 stores. Screwfix is continuing its partnership with Pennies, the electronic charity box which enables customers to round up their payments to the nearest pound with all money donated now going direct to The Screwfix Foundation.

The money will be given both to its charity partners and to smaller local charities who can apply for funding through the Screwfix Foundation website. This year’s charity partners are Barnado’s children’s charity and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Any charity that is registered in the UK and has a project that involves fixing, maintaining or repairing buildings or facilities for people in need may apply for funding. There is, at the moment, no set limit. Grants are determined on a case by case basis, and funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. The grants can be used for a range of projects whether it’s repairing a run-down building or decorating the home of a family living with illness and disability.

Applications can be submitted at any time and an application form can be found on The Screwfix Foundation

Brighton & Hove Summer Pride Grants open for application

Brighton & Hove City Council have have opened 2013’s round of Summer Pride grants. These are available for community groups and organisations to help them get involved in the Brighton Pride festival on 3rd August 2013.

The deadline for applications is 28th June 2013. Application forms can be downloaded on the council’s website.

More details are available on our Favourite Funders page.

New funding for small groups available from Sussex Community Foundation

Sussex Community Foundation, which administers several different local grant funds, has three new pots of money available. Application deadline 12th July 2013.

  1. William Alexander – small grants (up to £2000 )for community groups in Brighton and Hove working with children and young people.
  2. Sussex Police Fund – grants of up to £10,000 for groups helping to address crime or fear of crime. Total pot is £50,000.
  3. Brighton and Hove Community Health Fund – Grants up to £1500 for community-led health improvement projects. Support is available with drafting applications from CVSF. Successful applicants will also be offered mentoring and support with their project after receiving the grant

For more information on any of these grants, contact Mary Curruthers at Sussex Community Foundation, [email protected], 01273 409440

Or go to

If you would like to put something on this noticeboard, please send it to us at [email protected]

Brighton & Hove Community Health Fund

Who can apply
The Community Health Fund is for small community groups with an annual income below £35,000 based in Brighton or Hove, addressing a particular health issue or wanting to run a health related activity.
This is a follow-on from Can Do Health run by People Can. It provides: one to one support (before and after your application) to help set up a group or develop your grant application, and the chance to meet similar groups to share skills, knowledge and solutions to any problems your group might face.

How much and what can you apply for
Grants are between £500 to £1,500.

How to apply
For more information or to talk through an idea: call or email Mary Carruthers from Sussex Community Foundation (contact details below).
To download further information, guidance notes and the application form, please click here:, or go to the CVSF website:

Deadlines for application
Round 1: 5pm, Friday 12 July 2013

Contact details
Mary Carruthers, Sussex Community Foundation
Tel: 01273 409440
Email: [email protected]

If you would like to put something on this noticeboard, please send it to us at [email protected]

New criteria for Children in Need

Children in Need supports organisations that work with disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. 

They have revised their application forms and criteria.
Small Grants of up to £10,000 are available for one year and 2013 deadlines are 1 June; 1 September and 1 December.
Main Grants of over £10,000 are available to support projects for up to three years and 2013 deadlines are 15 May; and 15 September.
If you would like to put something on this noticeboard, please send it to us at [email protected]

Skipton Building Society – Grassroots Giving £500 donations for community groups

As part of their Big 160 Anniversary, Skipton Building Society are launching their new community funding programme, Grassroots Giving.

They have 160 donations of £500 to allocate to community groups across the country. Find out more about the types of organisations they are looking for and apply now.

For more information:

If you would like to put something on this noticeboard, please send it to us at [email protected]