Gants of up to £15,000 for projects to support unemployed people to develop skills

The ESF Community Grants Fund Round Two is now open for applications from charities and not for profit groups in Brighton and Sussex.  Grants of up to £15,000 are available for projects that support unemployed people to develop skills and progress towards employment. Part of the grant can also be used to capacity build organisations (training for staff etc).  You must be a constituted group (no individuals can apply) and have an income of less than £300,000 in the last financial year.  All beneficiaries must be over 19, not in work or economically inactive, with priority groups being:

  • people with disabilities and health conditions
  • lone parents
  • people aged 50 +
  • people from ethnic minorities
  • women

Round two closes at 1pm on 2nd June, to request an application form and further details on criteria and eligibility, please contact Jackie Bruder at Surrey Community Action on 01483 447 143 or email [email protected] .  You can also have a chat with me about the grant on 07714 736 010 or email [email protected]