Blog Archives

Big Fig – One Day Healthy Eating Course – Thursday 10 November

A few places have become available, due to last minute cancellations, on the Big Fig taster day course which will be running at The Platform this Thursday, the 10th of November from 10am – 2pm. This a free one day

Posted in Training

Grant Writing Workshop Wed 9th November

Grant Writing Workshop:  What’s The Big Idea? Wednesday 9th November, 10am-12pm, and we will cover how to: Develop your fund raising idea Create impact Achieve clarity Communicate persuasively For more info and to book a space please send me an

Posted in Training

Free training course: Finance for small groups

Community Works is running another Finance for Small Groups training course on 23 and 30 November 2016. Please note this course takes place on 2 successive Wednesdays and you need to attend on BOTH days. Course length: 2 x sessions

Posted in Money, Training

Trans awareness training

Community Works are holding Trans Awareness Training. Thursday 20 October, 9.30am- 2.00pm, Conference room, Community Base This half day course is aimed at anyone who wants to broaden their understanding of issues faced by transgender, transsexual and other gender-different people. The session

Posted in Training

Governance Network 29th September

Date: Thursday 29 September 2016 Time: 6.00-8.00pm Venue:  Lagoon Room, BMECP Centre, 10 Fleet Street, Brighton BN1 4ZE This third meeting of the Community Works Governance Network is aimed at any trustee or management committee member who is interested in

Posted in Advice and support, Events, Training

Action Learning Sets for social enterprises

This service is provided by Brighton & Hove Social Enterprise Network. What is an action learning set? A bringing together of like-minded people at a similar early stage of their social enterprise adventure. As a team, you will share and

Posted in Advice and support, Training

Last chance to book on Monitoring & Evaluation course, 19th July

This course is organised by Community Works. Booking details are below. Course: Getting to Grips with Monitoring and Evaluation and the Community Insight Tool Date: Tuesday 19 July 2016 Time: 9.30am-1.00pm Fee: This is a free course. Venue: Friends Meeting

Posted in Training

Social enterprise support

Brighton & Hove Social Enterprise Network have launched a new ‘season’ of support for social enterprises of all shapes and sizes. Through to December support includes: Workshops:  Action Learning Sets:  Surgeries:  #Socent Socials & Showcases: The

Posted in Advice and support, Training

FREE First Aid for babies and children course – spaces still available

Last few free places on First Aid for Babies and Children course at the Vallance Centre next Thursday 12th May. Please call the Community Learning team reception on 01273 810 210 to find out more information or book a place.

Posted in Training

Training day on mental health and human rights

The British Institute of Human Rights is holding a learning event on June 23rd about human rights and mental health. The event is part of a project run by BIHR and partners which looks at how human rights can help ensure people using mental

Posted in Training