Tribute to our trustee, Barry Hughes

So long, Barry

Everyone at the Resource Centre was shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Barry Hughes.

Barry was a long-standing member of our management committee, and a solid supporter of the Resource Centre’s work. He was a dedicated and energetic community activist, passionate about the provision of high quality, affordable social housing.

The Resource Centre knew Barry best for his work with his residents’ association at Sylvan Hall and  in city-wide resident involvement structures. He was the Chair of Central Residents for many years, working to get residents voices at the heart of council housing policies. He had an extensive network of contacts and was tenacious in pursuing his causes. He played a leading role in campaigns around homelessness and gave crucial help to individuals struggling to navigate bureaucratic systems. He put in the work and he got results.

Barry was always there to support the Resource Centre, and we’ll miss him –  his wry sense of humour, his gentle teasing, his ability to get things done.

July 2022

Community Works “Read a funding bid” service

Brighton and Hove Community Works’ “read a funding bid” service for organisations gives constructive critique on funding bids that are 90% bid ready.

Your bid will benefit from a fresh and neutral pair of eyes from someone who understands funder expectations and the key elements of a strong funding bid. They will give you written feedback on your bid which will highlight its strengths, any glaring mistakes or omissions, and provide top level suggestions for change that would improve the chances of success.

For more information, visit Brighton and Hove Community Works website.

Online fundraising training from Community Works

A series of 3 webinars, which aim to help you hone, refresh or kick-start your fundraising efforts.

Sessions will consist of a 40 minute presentation, 20 minutes Q&A and then the option of a half hour extension if people would like to stay on the call to ask follow-up questions to the facilitators.

Case for Support Bootcamp, Wednesday 13 January 2021, 1:00-2:00pm

This session will give you what you need to ensure that your Case for Support works well for you. For example, what do funders expect to see in a case for support and how can you make yours stand out.

Prospecting and Research, Thursday 11 February 2021, 9:30-10:30am

How can you do great research about Trusts, Foundations and Grants before you make an application? Where do you look for information and vitally – what is that information telling you?

Income Diversification, Tuesday 16 March 2021, 11:00-12:00pm

What are the different incomes available to you? How might you start to explore new revenue streams for your organisation? When you are focused on Trusts, Foundations and Grants – how do you get started in developing individual giving, major donor or corporate fundraising?

Who should attend? These sessions are aimed at smaller organisations who might have limited capacity for fundraising. You might be the only person responsible for fundraising within your organisation or you might not have much fundraising experience.

There is a small charge per webinar of £10 – £35, with bursaries available to very small groups.

For information on registration and fees see

Central England Co-op covid-19 impact grants up to £5,000

Grants of between £100 to £5,000 (the average grant is £2,000) are available to employees and members of Central England Co-operative for projects which help local communities deal with the impact of Covid-19. The aim of the fund will be to reduce the potential for loneliness and feeling of isolation of vulnerable people, ensuring their mental health and wellbeing is maintained. Funding will also provide emergency support such as foodbanks.

The Society will consider funding a defined part of a larger project, such as the refurbishment of premises.

The deadline for applications is the 30th November 2020.

Asda grants of up to £1,000 for Christmas food projects

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Asda Foundation has created the Feeding Communities Grant Scheme to provide meals for those in need in the run up to Christmas. Charities, community interest companies, unincorporated clubs or associations, and other not-for-profit organisations across the UK can apply for grants of up to £1,000 to provide meals costing £4 or less for individuals, families, and children’s healthy holiday clubs. Funding could be used to provide food parcels, Christmas meal delivery or collection, and Christmas hampers, or provide support for soup kitchens/homeless centres, and local community centres providing meal deliveries. Applications should be made through each local Asda store’s Community Champion whose role is to support projects. The deadline for applications is the 6th December 2020.

Funding for UK food poverty projects – deadline 13th Nov

Funding to Tackle Food Poverty Locally in the UK

The deadline for applications is 13 November 2020

A £1.5 million fund has opened for applications from local charities and community organisations across the UK that are working to support vulnerable communities affected by food poverty and connect them with the support they need.

The funding is for sustainable food poverty programmes which address any of the following issues:

  • Redistributing surplus food to the people who need it most in local communities.
  • Providing easy access to nutritious food and balanced meals for customers with a limited budget.
  • Educating and upskilling customers on low cost meal solutions, limiting food waste and shopping smartly.
  • Supporting future generations by prioritising the wellbeing of children and young people struggling with food insecurity.
  • Food programmes for vulnerable communities, delivered in those communities.

The types of programmes that can be supported include

  • Foodbanks.
  • Programmes that tackle food waste.
  • Programmes that encourage healthy eating.
  • Holiday hunger schemes.

The grant amount that organisations can apply for depends on the local area where the applicant organisation operates but most grants will be in the £2,000 to £10,000 range.

Larger grants may be made available for organisations that are covering a larger geographic area or are leading on a coordinated partnership response.

Access ramps now available for hire

Thanks to a donation from the SCOPE Local People Programme, we now have two lightweight, folding, portable ramps available to hire.

These are great for events where there is a single step at the entrance or somewhere within the venue. Having a ramp instead of a step can be helpful for people with buggies, people who use walking frames and people with sight impairments, as well as wheelchair users.

Both our ramps can be transported easily in the boot of a car. One is 2ft long, and the other is 4ft long.

We will be working with SCOPE now to produce some guidance on how to make your activities and events more accessible in all sorts of ways. Watch this space…


Free community organising training

How do we make change for good through collective action?

Organised by Brighton & Hove Community Land Trust

Three interactive one-day courses teaching skills that will help you with your campaigning, activism, or simply at work or in your neighbourhood. The training gives you a framework to use and practical tools to try, and is great for housing groups, co-ops, community organisations of all shapes and sizes and interested individuals.

These three courses are designed to be attended together for maximum learning and benefit, but courses can be attended individually.

To book email [email protected] or call 07854 274750.
For more details visit

1. Listening Skills for Community Organising, Wednesday 29 January, 10am-5.30pm
2. Building Power Through Community Organising, Saturday 8 Feb, 10am-5pm
3. Action for Change Through Community Organising, Wednesday 18 March, 10am-5.30pm

Start up your Social Impact venture

Training session organised by Community Works:

Date: Thursday 30 January 2020
Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm
Venue: Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AF

Have you got an idea or are you starting up a new group, business or activity that’s good for the community or environment but you aren’t sure whether it’s charitable or commercial?

Join The Good Business Club and Community Works on Thursday 30th January for an introduction to the world of charities, community groups, and social enterprise to get clarity and confidence to start up your social impact venture.

You’ll leave this event with:

  • Clarity on the difference between a charity, community group and social enterprise
  • Clarity on legal structures and which would be most suitable for your venture
  • Information about funding opportunities you can access
  • Information about the support you can access to help you get started
  • New connections to purpose-driven individuals
  • Guidance on what steps you can take to get started straight away

All sessions and activities throughout the event will be hosted by experienced specialists in these areas, including legal experts, who are all on hand to answer any questions you might have throughout the event.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] or call 01273 234023.

Brighton & Hove Legacy Fund – Children & Young people

For the next round of the Brighton and Hove Legacy Fund, Sussex Community Foundation are particularly keen to receive applications from smaller groups who might not have benefitted from a grant previously.

Deadline: Friday 10th January 2020 (Decisions in Spring 2020)

About the Brighton & Hove Legacy Fund

B&H Legacy Fund – Children & Young People makes grants to not-for-profit organisations which support the educational and personal development of children and young people of Brighton & Hove.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available.

Applications should be made on the standard Sussex Community Foundation application form.

Beneficiary age range – up to 25 years

Grants are to support community and voluntary organisations that deliver one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Support children and young people to improve their educational attainment
  • Support young people to maximise their employability including developing entrepreneurship
  • Encourage participation by children and young people in positive activities that support physical and emotional health, social, learning or personal development
  • Support young people to volunteer & engage in community and social action
  • Support for children and young people who face barriers to achieving their full potential