Information about social media

Other people who can help with Information about social media

Registered charities who sign up will receive approximately £6,647 a month in advertising credit on Google AdWords to promote their causes and reach potential donors. They will gain free access to the online communication and collaboration suite Google Apps to help cut IT costs and improve communications. Charities will also have access to premium features within YouTube and Google Earth Outreach to help raise awareness of their work. A number of learning resources will also be available.

Website with a wide range of information and advice on setting up and running community groups, charities and social enterprises.

Have a large number of very useful, easy to read information sheets on a range of subjects, including campaigning, fundraising and publicity.

A membership organisation for community led organisations, such as Development Trusts.

Have a useful guide to using social media
Have a useful guide to managing outdoor spaces

Social media consultant company with a couple of publications about use of social media by charities/not-for-profits and development of a social media strategy.

Online resource to help get people together using twitter.