Share your photos

This month Brighton & Hove Food Partnership are running a social media campaign to celebrate all kind of shared meals in the city and they want your photos!

There are 3 ways to share your  photos:

1)      Facebook –

2)      Twitter – @harvestbh. Use the hashtag #sharedmeal

3)      Or email the pics to: [email protected] and they will post them for you.

The Brighton and Hove Food Poverty Action Plan  ‘recognise the role that shared meals e.g. lunch clubs are playing in improving the health, nutrition and mental health of the city.’

Their aim for this campaign is to inspire action – donating money to community groups, encouraging volunteers to help out and increasing participation in lunch clubs.

You can find out more on their blog

Cornerstone Christmas Market

The Christmas Market at Cornerstone Community Centre is on Saturday 26th November from 11am to 3pm.

They still have a few stall spaces available at £10 a table.

Contact [email protected] if interested.

Project planning workshop for LGBT disabled people

LGBT HIP is co-hosting a workshop with Harriet from Scope’s Local People Programme, to enable LGBT disabled people to access project funding and support from Scopes Local People Programme.

Friday 25th November| Stamner Room, Brighthelm | 2-4 pm

Any LGBT disabled person (with any physical or mental illness, impairment or additional need) in Brighton and Hove to take part.

This will be an informal workshop, to chat about barriers, good experiences and possible projects. It will be an informal session over food and we can continue our conversation about helping LGBT venues to be more accessible and inclusive.

There will be food and drinks provided. Travel expenses can be reimbursed.

Contact [email protected] to RSVP or if you have any dietary or access requirements.

Brighton Soup: how to submit your project (deadline 9th November)

Brighton Soup have announced that they are now open to submissions for their next funding event @ Community Base on Dec 2nd. If you’re interested, here’s what you need to know;

  • You don’t’ have to be an organisation or charity to apply, it can just be you
  • You don’t need formal plans or projections, just an idea
  • Your project has to benefit the people of Brighton & Hove City in a charitable way
  • You get help, support and training on how to present your idea
  • You get an opportunity for some funding, even if you don’t win the vote
  • You meet a lot of really great people that may want to get involved and help you
  • You get to eat delicious food and maybe have some fun too

The submission deadline for this event is Wed 9th Nov 2016. So if you (or someone you know) is interested, please apply online at and answer 3 simple questions;

  1. What is your idea/project?
  2. How does it benefit people?
  3. How does the money help?

Governance Network 29th September

Date: Thursday 29 September 2016

Time: 6.00-8.00pm

Venue:  Lagoon Room, BMECP Centre, 10 Fleet Street, Brighton BN1 4ZE

This third meeting of the Community Works Governance Network is aimed at any trustee or management committee member who is interested in the subject of raising funds through individual donations.

Members of the governance network have highlighted HR as a key learning point that they would like to come together around. Delivered by Judith Berrill, a qualified senior Human Resources and Organisational Development professional with 30 years’ experience, and Community Works staff, this session will provide you with the opportunity to share and learn with your counterparts in other organisations on items relating to HR.

Book now at:

Cllr Emma Daniel’s surgery for voluntary and community groups

Cllr Emma Daniel is the chair of the council’s Neighbourhood, Communities and Equalities Committee. Her next Voluntary and Community Sector surgery is 12th July, running from the Community Works office on Queens Road. This is a chance for community groups in the city to discuss their concerns and priorities with Cllr Daniel.

To book an appointment to discuss issues important to your organisation/city priorities from your perspective, please contact Faye Perry [email protected]

Refugee Week steering group

Sanctuary on Sea is hoping to set up a group to coordinate events in Brighton & Hove during Refugee Week, 18th to 26th June.

The first meeting of the group will be held on Thursday 2nd June from 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm at Community Base.

Anyone who is planning an event during Refugee Week, or interested in getting involved, is welcome to come to the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to discuss:

  • What events are planned and how we can jointly publicise them
  • What help is needed by organisations – funding, materials and how we can source these or share resources
  • Whether there is a role for volunteers and how these can be recruited
  • Whether we want to have any joint media or communications messages as the organisations working on Refugee Week in Brighton & Hove

If you are interested in attending the meeting, or want to find out more about Refugee Week, please contact Monika on 077 303 391 45 or [email protected]

Monika is the Refugee Week coordinator for Sanctuary on Sea. She can offer support to organisations and communities involved in Refugee Week to organise a calendar of events and activities from 18th – 26th June 2016. She will also help organise volunteers to support events where needed. If you are organising an event during Refugee Week, you can contact Monika with the details and she will publicise your event on  the Sanctuary On Sea website and the National Refugee Week website.

Know My Neighbour open meeting

Know My Neighbour is a citywide community project run by One Church Brighton, aimed at sparking social connections to create a better Brighton & Hove. This May is the launch of Brighton & Hove’s first Know My Neighbour week, starting Saturday 21st May. The Brighton-wide Know My Neighbour week will feature different initiatives running across the city to encourage neighbourly activities as a way of tackling social isolation.

There will be an open meeting on Wednesday 20th April 3.30pm – 5.00pm we’ll be meeting at One Church, Gloucester Place to firm up the plans for Know My Neighbour 2016. A particular focus will be on Know My Neighbour week 21st-27th May and how organisations/individuals can get involved.

The purpose of the meeting will be to:

  • Share events planned so far, with a special focus on Know My Neighbour Week 21st-27th May including our week long Pop-up Cafe event.
  • Explain how organisations and individuals can get involved and partner with Know My Neighbour – benefiting neighbours and the activities/services you are involved in.
  • Provide an opportunity for those already involved to speak to a member of the team about a planned event or initiative.

For further information, and details of previous events and meetings, visit the Know My Neighbour website.

RSVP to [email protected] to confirm whether you can attend.

Know My Neighbour Pop-up Cafe

Know My Neighbour is a citywide campaign run by One Church Brighton, aiming to encourage neighbourliness to create a better connected city.

The pop up café will run throughout Know My Neighbour week 21st – 27th May at Gloucester Road Church, 11am – 7pm. Local people and community groups are invited to get involved by showcasing their work – either in the form of entertainment, running a food session at the pop up café (lunch or afternoon tea) or coming along to chat with guests.

For example a recovery group choir could perform, an older person’s cooking group could provide cakes for an afternoon tea or a community café/group could run the lunch for one day.

Groups are also welcome to simply provide flyers that advertise their activities and services.

To get involved, email [email protected], or call 01273 694746.


Community Shares Conference

Brighton & Hove Social Enterprise Network is organising a Community Shares conference on  Thursday, 7 April 2016, 10 am. to 4 pm at the Brighthelm Community Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD. It is free.

Community Shares offer opportunities for communities to raise finance for capital projects that would not be possible from grants.

Community Shares can help communities:

  • buy pubs, shops or community buildings
  • transfer assets from Local Authorities
  • raise finance for renewable energy schemes

This conference offers an opportunity to hear from influential speakers in the community shares world who have found solutions for people supporting their communities and meet people who have been through the process. They will de-mystify the community shares process and answer your questions and concerns. You’ll also learn more about the co-operative option and be able to network with fellow co-operators. More information here