Introduction to Employment Law: CVSF training

26th June 2013, 2.30pm – 4.30pm at EC Brighton Dolphin Place, Manchester Street, Brighton, BN2 1TF
Do you, or are you thinking of, employing people?
Do you know what your legal responsibilities are?

CVSF’s Corporate Partnerships Programme, in conjunction with Fiona Martin, Partner at Martin Searle Solicitors, is running a course which will help you to understand:

• the difference in legal terms between workers, employees , casuals and the self employed
• the requirements of a contract of employment
• the difference between employees and other types of workers/self employed
• how to deal with disciplinaries and grievances

For more information and to book a place, contact CVSF on 01273 810230 or email [email protected].

There is a charge of £25 for this session, however bursary places are available so it is always worth calling to see if you can get a free place.