Good Food Grant information sessions

Good Food Grants is a small grants programme run by the Food Partnership that supports projects in communities in Brighton & Hove working on issues like growing, cooking, healthy eating, reducing waste and increasing access to good food. The maximum grant size is £800.

Please see for some more information on the grants and to download a booking form.

The deadline for applications is Friday 7th Feb 2014

Good Food Grant Information Evening: Thursday 28th Nov / 5:45 – 8pm / Brighthelm Community Centre

This evening is designed for those that are interested in applying for a Good Food Grant but want to find out a bit more. The first-half of the evening will be covering the grants priorities and the second half will give you an opportunity to speak one-to-one with an advisor about your own project. Arrive at 5:45 for a prompt 6pm start.

Please book with Helen on 01273 431718 or email [email protected]

Good Food Grant Drop-in session: Thurs 7th January / 3 – 7pm / Brighthelm Community Centre

Pop-in for a chat with an advisor about your potential project to get some one-to-one advice.

Please book a time-slot with Helen on 01273 431718 or email [email protected]