Funding for room hire at Brighthelm

The Brighthelm Centre today announced that it is working with a benefactor and with Brighton and Hove’s Community and Voluntary Sector Forum in launching a grants scheme to support small community groups that want to meet at Brighthelm, right in the heart of the city, but don’t yet have the funds to do so.  Brighthelm aims to help those groups making a start in life to channel their limited funds directly in to the services they offer and their activities they intend to undertake. The scheme will be worth £5,000 and will repeat annually. 


The Director, Rik Child, said, “Brighthelm has been very fortunate as a long term user of the centre has very kindly offered Brighthelm a sum of money to run a small grants scheme helping us bring new life to Brighthelm and fulfill our revised mission .”


Rik Child explained, “There will be two funding streams, a small grant pot worth £2,000 which will be awarded at the discretion of the management to either fully cover or subsidise the costs of room hire or catering at Brighthelm.  It is imagined that there will be four grants of £20-50 per month.”


“The main grant pot will be worth £3,000.  The panel will meet four times a year in January, April, July and October to review applications and award grants for the following quarter. Grants of £50 – £500 will be available which will allow successful organizations to undertake very substantial events at Brighthelm.”


Application forms are available at reception or from the website. A full explanation of the terms and condition are to be found on the form.


All queries are to be directed to Andy Ward, Bookings and Lettings Manager on [email protected]  or by telephoning 01273 946220.