Big Fig – One Day Healthy Eating Course – Thursday 10 November

A few places have become available, due to last minute cancellations, on the Big Fig taster day course which will be running at The Platform this Thursday, the 10th of November from 10am – 2pm.

This a free one day course aimed at those interested in learning about healthy eating and cooking. The course will include:

  • A morning of information about healthy eating and nutrition including a chance for learners to create and take away with them a healthy eating menu plan, using the information they have received.
  • The chance for learners to prepare and eat a healthy meal in our training kitchen. Learners will also be able to take away with them the recipes for the meal they prepare.

If learners enjoy the course and feel they would like to pursue further similar courses they will have the opportunity to apply for our 5 week catering course which will run in January next year.

Places are limited so if you know of any clients who may be interested in this please contact Mo Yuchetel at [email protected]