FREE B&H Food Partnership training: Leadership skills in running outdoor activity sessions

Mon 16th March 9:45 – 4:30
Stanmer Horticultural Centre

This training is specifically looking at leadership skills needed to put on a range of activities where physical exercise outside is included such as:  gardening, food-growing, gyms, group volunteering activities, conservation work, exercise classes on community gardens, walks.

This training is run by Helen Jones from the Trust for Developing Communities.

The training will cover:

Leadership skills

  • Session planning
  • Introductions and welcomes
  • Managing difficult situations
  • What makes a good leader?
  • Working with and valuing volunteers

Health and Safety

  • Undertaking risk assessments
  • Understanding different clients health needs and how to manage risk (e.g. what are the most likely forms of health issues, how to go about giving different people different tasks etc)
  • Using tools and manual handling
  • Lone working

Basic warm-up stretches

Book online

Or contact Helen Starr-Keddle for more info on 01273 431718 [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>