Free funding clinic for sports groups

Brighton & Hove Council Sports Development Team. Sported, and Active Sussex are hosting a free sports funding clinic on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at St Richards Church and Community Centre in Hove.


The event will run from 6.30pm – 9.00pm, suitable for all community & voluntary organisations who provide sport or physical activity. They are particularly keen to welcome groups who provide sports activities for children and young people in the city


The funding clinic gives you an opportunity to meet funders and find out about the type of work and projects they are able to fund.


For more information or to book your place, please contact Joanna Irving, Sported Regional Manager [email protected] 07900 928 514. Please include names of those attending, club or group name, and main contact email address and phone number.


RSVP by Wednesday 12th March 2014. Please note that numbers are limited so please book a space if you intend to come along.




6.30pm – 7.00pm Arrivals, refreshments, networking


7.00pm Introduction


7.05pm Sported – Sported Funding, Mentor Support, Fundraising Support and Sportworks


7.30pm Active Sussex – Sport England and ActiveSussexCounty Sports Partnership Funding


8.00pm Brighton & Hove Council – Local pots of funding and support


8.30pm Opportunity to ask questions, speak to funders


9.00pm Close