Money in Mind project nominated for an award

The Money in Mind project has been kindly nominated for a Sector Star award. The award winners will be announced at the launch of Community Works, on Wednesday November 27th, 7pm at Community Base.

Many thanks to whoever nominated the project. Money in Mind helps small groups in Brighton & Hove to manage their finances more effectively. It is a partnership between the Resource Centre and Impact Initiatives, and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Groups can get free one-to-one support, free examination of accounts, and free downloadable accounts systems and written information.

Members of the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum can vote online for a special Members Choice award, in addition to the awards given in a range of categories. Voting closes on Friday November 8th. Contact the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum on [email protected] or 810230 to find out more about the event and how to vote.