Brighton and Hove Community Health Fund – Round 2 now open!

This fund aims to support and fund small community groups (annual income below £35,000) based in Brighton or Hove, addressing a particular health issue or wanting to run a health related activity. They are keen to reach groups who are just getting started and those working in under-represented communities. The fund can give:

  • one to one support (before and after your application) to help set up a group or develop your grant application
  • a grant (£500-£1500) to your group to help achieve your project or activity
  • the chance to meet similar groups to share skills, knowledge and solutions to any problems you might face

The next deadline is 5pm Friday 10th January 2014. For more information or to talk through an idea:

Call: 01273 409440

Email: [email protected]

Website: (scroll to the bottom of the page for guidance notes and application form)

Information Session: Tues 3rd Dec 6-8pm at Friends Meeting House, Ship Street