Free table tennis equipment for groups

Over the past three summers Table Tennis England, Brighton & Hove Council and Brighton Table Tennis Club have organised Ping! – placing loads of tables around the city for anyone to play on – all for free! Last year over 42,000 people played on the tables.

Ping! is back this year and will be bigger than ever. Table Tennis England is offering organisations based in Brighton and Hove up two Instant Ping Pong Packs to get people playing table tennis.

Each pack contains 7 bats, 7 balls and a roll net that allows you to set up on almost any table. With the game ideas booklet that comes with it, you can be set up and playing in seconds.

To see how flexible the pack is, watch this YouTube video!

What’s the catch?

All they ask is that the packs get used at least once a week for 30 minutes, and that you are willing to provide some feedback on how things are going

Link into the bigger scene

There will be loads of table tennis events to get involved with this year including Ping! and Brighton & Hove Council’s Take Part festival of Sport & Physical Activity


The number of packs available is limited, so first come first served. This is a great chance to get your organisation active so don’t miss out!

To express your interest or to find out more please contact:

Kieron Pelling

Development Officer – South East

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 07972 222068