Would you like to work with a university student researcher?

The Psychology department at Brighton University is looking for community projects who would be interested in working with an MA student in the new year. The students have to carry out a piece of social research in partnership with a local community organisation.

The research can be wide-ranging, but often takes the form of an evaluation of a service, product or other area of provision.  This could be to enable a service to be improved, to identify gaps in provision, and/or to feed into funding proposals for future work.

As well as providing students with an opportunity to put their research skills into practice, these placements provide the participating organisation with a report which you can use to help raise funds or show the value of your work. You would need to be willing to meet with the student several times and share information about your organisation’s plans and practices.

The students need to begin their placements in January and complete their research by May 2018.

If you want to find out more, or register your interest, please contact Dr Helen Johnson ([email protected]) before 6th December.