‘Understanding Eating Disorders’ workshop

21st April, 1-4pm, at the Brighthelm 

The workshop will:

  • Explore some of the myths & misconceptions often associated with eating disorders.
  • Look at eating disorders, definitions, contributing factors and other associated conditions.
  • Provide an insight into the issues sufferers and carers’ face getting help and looking at real experiences from men who have suffered themselves.
  • Examine the barriers men face in accessing services and looking at ways professionals and services can overcome these barriers to provide gender inclusive service provision.

Delegate rate costs are as follows:

  • Professionals working in voluntary organisations and charities: £45.00 per place
  • Professionals working in statutory organisations or independent organisation or independently practice: £65.00 per place

For further information and to download a booking form please go to http://mengetedstoo.co.uk/blog/training-and-events-calendar or email [email protected]