Brighton & Hove City Council – Training for communities: Reporting Hate Incidents & Challenging Islamophobia

1. Reporting Hate Incidents

A half-day training for communities to raise awareness of reporting of hate incidents and crimes, prejudice and discrimination whether it takes place online (e.g. social media, Facebook, web forums etc.) or as people go about their lives (at home, neighbourhood, transport etc.). You will also be able to understand the legal powers/duties of authorities (e.g. police) to deal with these hate incidents and crimes.

Day and Date: Monday 16th February 2015
Time: 6 – 9 pm

(another date is also being organised – please ask Charlotte, see contact details below)

2. Challenging Islamophobia

A half-day training to address/challenge Islamophobia (whether on the internet, media, or in the community).

Day and Date: Tuesday 17th February 2015
Time: 6 – 9 pm


Day and Date: Thursday 26th February 2015
Time: 6 – 9 pm

The trainings will be delivered by Fiyaz Mughal, the founder director of Faith Matters, a national organisation that also runs Tell MAMA – Measuring Anti-Muslim Attack. The Community Safety Casework Team and Police will be in attendance, as necessary.

These opportunities will help strengthen existing partnership between local communities, voluntary and statutory organisations to continue to tackle racism, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, all types of hate incidents, intolerance, prejudice and extremisms.

Who to contact

Please let [email protected] know if you are interested in attending either Reporting Hate Incidents or Challenging Islamophobia training or both of these trainings, and which dates you are available.