Small grants for Health & Wellbeing projects in London Road/Trafalgar/New England area

Grants of up to £500 are available to groups and organisations to run projects/activities that will impact on the Health and Wellbeing of the above area.  Priority will be given to projects that:

  • educate to prevent people starting to smoke or support them when they are ready to stop.
  • help to reduce obesity, improve diet and nutrition, (e.g. via cooking skills, food growing, etc.)
  • improve sexual health
  • ensure active living & increase exercise
  • improve mental health & wellbeing and reduce isolation
  • support healthy ageing and improve health-related quality  of life for older people
  • improve alcohol and drug awareness
  • improve health-related quality of life for those with long term health conditions
  • support health and wellbeing of those living on a reduced budget.

Applications need to be received by end of the day 8th of May for projects that can complete in the next 6 months.  On maximum of the equivalent of two sides of A4 the following information is suggested –

  • Contact name and address
  • Group/Organisation Name (if not individual application)
  • Name of Project
  • Start and End Date
  • Details of Project/Activity -What are you going to do?
  • How this impacts on the themes and priorities of this fund
  • Number, type, and location of beneficiaries – Who you going to do it with, how many, where?
  • How are you going to evaluate the work – How can you show you did what you said you would?
  • Project Cost – with  breakdown – How much/what for?
  • Funding requested – with breakdown (if relevant where is the rest of the money coming from)
  • Sustainability or Exit Strategy – What happens at the end of the Funding?
  • Additional Information – How do we know you can deliver it? for example.

Submission by cut off date to [email protected]

For more information, contact:

Andy Silsby
Community Development Consultant
Serendipity Enterprising Solutions CIC