Safety Net training

Safety Net have several training courses coming up:

There are two spaces available on the Protective Behaviours training running next week on Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th October. Protective Behaviours is a personal safety and life skill process that teaches the ability to recognise and deal with situations in which we don’t feel safe. It can be used as both an abuse prevention strategy and to address situations such as feeling worried or bullied, as well as promoting good citizenship. The course runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm on both days and costs £90, which includes two fantastic resource workbooks for use when practising PBs after the course. Use this link to book, or contact Clare for more information on [email protected]

There are also spaces available on the following courses in November, click on the course title to find out more and book your place:

Supervising to Safeguard – Tuesday 3rd November 2015 – 10:00am – 4:00pm, £50.

Helping Teenagers to Keep Themselves Safe – Thursday 5th November 2015 – 10:00am – 4:00pm, £50

Safeguarding Policy Workshop – Tuesday 10th November 2015 – 10:00am – 1:00pm, £30/£50