2014 Resource Centre survey

What do you think of us? We are asking all groups who use our services or website during July 2014 to fill in a short survey. It takes about 10 minutes. Knowing what groups think about our services really helps us to improve them and to raise funds to keep the Centre going. The survey is at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/resourcecentre2014. Thank you!

Updated information on charity law

We have updated our set of three information sheets on charity registration and requirements, to incorporate the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation structure and reflect the latest legal position.

  • Charity registration gives information about which  groups are required to register with the Charity Commission and how the registration process works
  • Responsibilities of Registered Charities is a brief summary of the legal requirements, aimed at smaller charities which are not limited companies
  • Charity Reporting and Accounts gives details of all the reporting and accounting requirements for registered charities and includes reference tables with all the income thresholds for different types of accounting, reporting and scrutiny of accounts.

New Resource Centre information sheet: Health and safety for community groups

We have published a new information sheet to help community groups with health and safety. Health and safety for community groups includes practical steps small groups can take to improve health and safety, plus sample policies.

This is currently only available online, but a paper and PDF version will be published later this year.

Money in Mind project update

As the Money in Mind project enters its fifth and final year, small groups in Brighton & Hove continue to benefit from free advice on managing money. Since the project began in 2009, over 300 small groups have been helped to keep their finances in order and their groups running smoothly.

Between October and December, 100% of the groups who used the project rated the support they received as excellent.

See the January 2014 update for all the latest facts and figures.

Hi-vis tabards/vests now available for hire!

We have four sets of 5 high visibility tabards available for hire to community groups – useful for stewarding at events.

You can request a booking via our website here, or alternatively give us a call on 01273 606160.

Email upgrade, 16th and 17th December 2013

Due to our email system being upgraded, we may not be able to respond immediately to emails received between Friday 13th December (4pm) and Tuesday 17th December (12pm) – please ring us for anything urgent on 01273 606160 during our normal opening hours.

Resource Centre Christmas Closure dates 2013

We will be closing for Christmas at 4pm on Friday 20th December and reopening at 9am on Tuesday 7th January.

Season’s greetings to all our users.

Money in Mind project nominated for an award

The Money in Mind project has been kindly nominated for a Sector Star award. The award winners will be announced at the launch of Community Works, on Wednesday November 27th, 7pm at Community Base.

Many thanks to whoever nominated the project. Money in Mind helps small groups in Brighton & Hove to manage their finances more effectively. It is a partnership between the Resource Centre and Impact Initiatives, and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Groups can get free one-to-one support, free examination of accounts, and free downloadable accounts systems and written information.

Members of the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum can vote online for a special Members Choice award, in addition to the awards given in a range of categories. Voting closes on Friday November 8th. Contact the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum on [email protected] or 810230 to find out more about the event and how to vote.


4 new folding tables for hire

Due to popular demand, we have added four new folding tables to our collection. These are slightly shorter, to make them easier to transport in cars.

To book, call us on 01273 606160, or for a full description, you can look at the equipment page.

We are grateful to the Robin Hood pub for funding this new equipment.

Money in Mind project still going strong

The latest update on the Money in Mind project shows that 285 small groups have been helped to manage their finances better since the project started in October 2009.

Money in Mind offers free one-to-one support to any small community group in Brighton & Hove, as well as a range of information sheets and two downloadable accounts systems, designed specifically to meet the needs of small groups.  The project also offers a free examination of accounts service for small groups, providing reassurance for group members and funders alike.