Making your data speak: Data analysis and reporting tools

CVSF is hosting a peer support session on information and data management.

Date: Tuesday 26th November 09.30-12.30

Venue: Conference Room, Community Base

Description: In this session, we will discuss how to tease a story out of the data we collect and how to produce reports that best tell this story. We will be looking at some practical examples of data analysis and/or reporting tools in use, and how to go about implementing similar tools in your organisation on a restricted budget.


9.30: Arrival coffee/tea

10.00: Welcome and introductions

10.20: Teasing / Telling a story out of the data we collect – introductory remarks:  Why do we do it? who for? what story do we tell? What data do we use? How do we go about it? – Manu Fruteau (SIS)

10.35: Solutions in practice (A): Reports integrated in (bespoke) database application – Simon Hicks (SEAP)

11.00: Solutions in practice (B): Using external tools – Crystal Reports / Excel – Manu Fruteau (SIS)

11.25: Some available (and affordable) tools and resources – Manu Fruteau (SIS)

11.30: Q&A’s

12.15: What next

12.30: Close

The session will be led by Emmanuel Fruteau, IT and Communications Manager at Sussex Interpreting Services with support from Simon Hicks, Resources Manager, SEAP. The session will be a test case for how future sessions could be run and we anticipate that those attending will be pro-active participants in the session, bringing along their own knowledge and experience and willingness to share this with their peers. Due to the technical nature of this session participants will be asked to fill out a short survey on their experience of data management tools/systems and expected outcomes prior to the session to ensure we are covering needs.

As this is a trial, we also anticipate that those attending will provide additional feedback on the experience and share their insights with us to help us in developing our future framework for peer learning/support sessions.

To register for the session please contact, Jan Aram, on [email protected] or 01273 810230 .