Learning Disability and Volunteering Forum 11th July

Brighton & Hove Volunteer Co-ordinators’ Forum is holding its next

“Learning Disability and Volunteering”

on Thursday 11th July, 2013 from 10.30am-1.30pm, at Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton.

If you would like to attend this meeting or join the Forum please email: [email protected]

The Volunteer Co-ordinators’ Forum aims to enable volunteer managers in Brighton & Hove to feel supported in their role and connected with their peers. It is open to anyone who has direct responsibility for managing or co-ordinating volunteers in Brighton & Hove, regardless of the size of their organisation or whether their role is paid or unpaid.

Each Forum meeting includes a learning element which provides the opportunity to develop skills and share experiences in volunteer management. The Forum’s structure, format and themes are decided by its members.