Grants available for London Road Area

Just over £2,500 is available for grants of up to £500 per application from the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund, London Road.

The fund is being managed by Serendipity – [email protected], and applications must be returned to them by 18th March 2016. For further information also contact Serendipity.

The overarching theme for grants is to support projects that impact on the health and well-being of the community within the London Road area of Brighton (the area boundaried by New England/Viaduct Road, the Level, and Trafalgar Street). There are also the following public health priorities for applications:

  • Projects or activities that educate to prevent people starting to smoke or support them when they are ready to stop,
  • promoting healthy eating, improving diet and nutrition and helping to reduce obesity
  • Encourage active living and physical activity
  • Improving sexual health
  • Encouraging and supporting sensible drinking
  • Improving mental health and well-being and addressing isolation

Applications can be made by groups and organisations in the voluntary and community sector, groups of individuals, or individuals, but not from statutory or private organisations.

The applications should be no more than 2 sides of A4 and cover the following points:

  • Contact name and address
  • Group/Organisation Name (if not individual application)
  • Name of Project
  • Start and End Date
  • Details of Project/Activity -What are you going to do?
  • How this impacts on the themes and priorities of this fund.
  • Number, type, and location of beneficiaries – Who you going to do it with, how many, where?
  • How are you going to evaluate the work – How can you show you did what you said you would?
  • Project Cost – with breakdown – How much/what for?
  • Funding requested – with breakdown (if relevant where is the rest of the money coming from)
  • Sustainability or Exit Strategy – What happens at the end of the Funding?.
  • Additional Information – for example, how do we know you can deliver it?