Fundraising opportunity – garage trail event in Brighton

Cat Fletcher of Brighton Freegle is organising a city-wide day of “Garage Sales” (you don’t need a garage to hold a Sale!) on Saturday 26th September.

The idea is that people can have a declutter and run a Sale from home, school, workplace, community venue or from anywhere even a garage! This encourages reuse, decluttering and increases the flow of second hand goods around the city but it also is a fab opportunity to do some fundraising.

Even if your charity or community group can not hold a Garage Sale yourselves, you can ask your supporters to hold one from home and donate the proceeds.

It is free and easy to take part.

Just go here It takes a few mins to register your intent to hold a Garage Sale on Sept 26th.

Cat will then promote all the Sales and map them so buyers will have a fun trail of Sales around the city to go to on the day.

If you’d like extra information, or help to organise a Garage Sale, posters or flyers then please do get in touch!

Email: [email protected]


Twitter: @GSTUK_Brighton