Blog Archives

Last chance to book on Monitoring & Evaluation course, 19th July

This course is organised by Community Works. Booking details are below. Course: Getting to Grips with Monitoring and Evaluation and the Community Insight Tool Date: Tuesday 19 July 2016 Time: 9.30am-1.00pm Fee: This is a free course. Venue: Friends Meeting

Posted in Training

City Parks consultation meeting with community groups

Building a resilient future for our parks and open spaces A City Parks consultation meeting with community groups for the new Open Spaces Strategy Tuesday 19th July 2016,  6:00 – 8:00pm  (networking and refreshments from 5:30pm) Community Base (South Wing

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A chance to tell health planners what your members need

As part of the 2016 update of some of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) summaries, the JSNA team within Public Health is asking for evidence from community and voluntary organisations in Brighton and Hove. The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

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Social enterprise support

Brighton & Hove Social Enterprise Network have launched a new ‘season’ of support for social enterprises of all shapes and sizes. Through to December support includes: Workshops:  Action Learning Sets:  Surgeries:  #Socent Socials & Showcases: The

Posted in Advice and support, Training

Cllr Emma Daniel’s surgery for voluntary and community groups

Cllr Emma Daniel is the chair of the council’s Neighbourhood, Communities and Equalities Committee. Her next Voluntary and Community Sector surgery is 12th July, running from the Community Works office on Queens Road. This is a chance for community groups

Posted in Events

Free events listing on ESCIS

ESCIS is the East Sussex Community Information Service, run by East Sussex Libraries Service. It now has an events section, as well as listing contact details for hundreds of local groups. If you have a community event coming up, it’s

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Refugee Week steering group

Sanctuary on Sea is hoping to set up a group to coordinate events in Brighton & Hove during Refugee Week, 18th to 26th June. The first meeting of the group will be held on Thursday 2nd June from 5.30 pm

Posted in Events

East Brighton Trust grants available via Sussex Community Foundation

East Brighton Trust offer small grants for community groups which benefit residents of East Brighton. In future these grants will be adminstered via Sussex Community Foundation. The application process has changed, but the grants are still available to groups in

Posted in Funding

Multi-use venue on Lewes Road available for hire for free to community groups

ABOUT: The new FIELD building at Preston Barracks on Lewes Road, recently renovated after years of neglect, is now home to a number of resident innovators and makers who are developing their ideas and products in a shared space:

Posted in Uncategorized, Useful resources

FREE First Aid for babies and children course – spaces still available

Last few free places on First Aid for Babies and Children course at the Vallance Centre next Thursday 12th May. Please call the Community Learning team reception on 01273 810 210 to find out more information or book a place.

Posted in Training