Ask Me: Free domestic abuse training

People who work in the Brighton, Hove and Eastbourne areas are invited to become Ask Me ambassadors, by attending free domestic abuse training, organised by Rise.


 There are a choice of three 2 x day courses which are running as follows:

  • Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th March (9:30 – 4:30pm)
  • Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th May (9:30 – 4:30pm)
  • Saturday 24th June & Saturday 1st July (9:30 – 4:30pm)

Who can attend:

ANYONE who lives or works in the Brighton, Hove and Eastbourne areas and come into contact with your community somehow. i.e. bar staff, hairdressers, reception staff, HR teams, dentists, pharmacists, retail staff and community groups.

What the training will cover:

  • Understanding and recognising signs of domestic abuse in the community
  • Responding effectively if someone discloses they are in an abusive relationship
  • Knowing where survivors of domestic abuse can get help and support if they want it

How to apply:

In order to confirm your training space we ask you to fill in an application form. Your space is not guaranteed until you do so.

Download a recruitment pack here:

Download an application form here:

Please return your application form ASAP to: [email protected]

Training venue:

Venue to be confirmed upon your successful application.

Domestic abuse is far too prevalent in our society, please help spread the word about this fantastic initiative to take action to stop it!

For more information, click here.