‘Applying For Grants’ workshop 17th Sept

Do you work with marginalised people and want to find funding? Do you know marginalised artists or writers who are looking for funding for their projects? Have you got a creative project idea which will engage marginalised people that you want to find funding for?

Dominique De-Light from Creative Future is running an ‘Applying For Grants’ workshop where you will learn the basics of applying for grants and tips on where to look for them. The workshop will cover what funders are looking for, points to cover in your application and a one to one consultation to discuss ideas you want to seek funding for. There will also be an in-depth look at the Arts Council application process.

The next course is on Wednesday 17th September 2014, 10am-5pm at Community Base. Cost: £7 (income under £20k)/£15 per workshop for individuals. £35 if attending on behalf of an organisation.

The Tutor: Dominique De-Light is the co-founder of Creative Future. She has been fundraising for ten years for her own writing development, arts projects and Creative Future. In that time she has raised over half a million pounds from local authorities, the Arts Council, the National Lottery, private trusts and foundations, and the European Social Fund.

Interested? Email [email protected] or telephone 01273 234780 to book your place.