Whitehawk Inn courses

More information can be found on the Whitehawk Inn website or by phoning 01273 682 222.


ECDL: Level 2 qualification covering Word, Excel, Powerpoint and other IT applications, Tues & Thurs 9.30am-12.30pm, 15 weeks: 30 Sept- 30 Jan £392 (FREE UB/ L2)

ITQ: Level 1 qualification covering Microsoft Office applications as well as internet and email, Mondays 9.30am- 12.30pm, 17 weeks: 22 Sept- 2 Feb £208 (FREE UB/ L2)


Food Safety Level 2 Award: covers safe food preparation, cooking, storage and service. Thursday 6 Nov 9.30am-4.30pm £60 (£10 MTB) £30 EB PC/ VOL

Community Briefings (for residents, volunteer and professionals who provide support and information)

Loan Shark Training: learning key signs to look out for loan sharks and problem solving advice, Wednesday 5 Nov 10am- 12pm FREE

Food Poverty Awareness: learn how to recognise food poverty and identify the advice we can provide to people in need, Tuesday 4 Nov 9.45am- 12pm FREE

Fee information

UB – Free if you are Unemployed and looking for work and receiving one of the following Benefits: JSA/ESA WRAG/IS/HB
MTB – reduced fee if you receive a Means Tested Benefit, including: Income Support, ESA WRAG, Job Seekers Allowance, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, or if you are a dependant of someone in receipt of one of these. (Pension Credit Guarantee and Working Tax Credit may also be eligible).
Carers Card holders are eligible for the East Brighton postcode reduction
VOL – subsidised for volunteers & staff from community and voluntary sector groups, either based in East Brighton or supporting local residents.
EB PC – reduced fee if you live in certain Postcode areas to the East of the Level. Contact us with your postcode to check eligibility.
Over 65s – courses reduced based on age
L2 – Free if you do not have a level 2 qualification and are 23 or under

The Whitehawk Inn
Whitehawk Road
[email protected]