Applying for grants workshop

Places available on Applying For Grants Workshop

Want to find money for your artistic development, to put on an exhibition or run a creative group? Learn the basics of applying for grants and tips on where to look in this one day workshop. This workshop will cover what funders are looking for, points to cover in your application and a one to one consultation to discuss ideas you want to seek funding for.

Fee: £7/£15 per workshop for individuals. £35 if attending on behalf of an organisation.

Date & Time: Wednesday 9 July 2014 10-5pm

Venue: Conference Room, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG

These workshops are for marginalised people or those who are trying to raise funds to work with marginalised groups.

Our funders define marginalised as: Those who feel their opportunities are limited as a result of mental health issues, physical or learning disabilities, homelessness, substance misuse, being an offender, ex-offender, refugee, long term unemployed, elderly, carer or are from a BME or LGBT background.

Please call Dominique De-Light on the following numbers 01273 234 780 / 07866 677950 or email [email protected] to book.