Free professional photographs of your group in action

Syd Shelton is an appointed photographer for the One Planet City sustainability initiative. In association with this initiative he is producing one of 10 photographic exhibitions to be displayed in the City – his particular theme is Culture and Community.

Syd is interested to hear from any groups or projects that are available across June to have their pictures taken for display in the Dome Café Bar later in the year.

In particular he is interested to hear from groups or projects that operate on an ‘out and about’ basis e.g.  soup runs, homeless support projects, gardening groups and so forth.

There is the possibility for any material that is produced to be used by the group and Syd is happy to advise around release forms for this to happen. Having up-to-date professional pictures to showcase your group can be a hugely valuable addition to your marketing and comms material.

If you would like to take part please contact Syd directly to talk through the possibility by the 20th June (or the earliest opportunity given that the pictures are taking place in June).

Syd Shelton
One Planet City Photographer
[email protected]

01273 206214

07802 735783
