Taking Account 3 Survey – an economic and social audit of the community and voluntary sector

The Community and Voluntary Sector Forum (CVSF) is currently running an online survey, aiming to collect information about the size, importance and value of the community and voluntary sector (CVS) in Brighton and Hove.

Similar surveys were completed in 2003 and 2008 but much has changed since then, it will show:

  • the number of volunteers and the hours they contribute
  • how groups and organisations are funded
  • the economic contribution of the sector to the City (£96m in 2008)
  • how many groups and organisations exist
  • the struggles and challenges you are facing but also the way you are innovating

The research will also be used to inform the development of CVS support, the city council’s new CVS strategy as well as the wider public sector approach to working with the sector.

Your group doesn’t need to be a member of CVSF to take part – you can complete the survey here: http://bit.ly/1b5ILo5

For more information about the survey, email [email protected] or call Laura Williams on 01273 810242.