Funding available for dementia friendly projects

The Brighton and Hove Dementia Action Alliance has funding available for organisations that want to make a positive difference to those living with dementia in the city.

The first pot is for local groups to apply to provide services that improve the health and well-being of people living with dementia. They are particularly keen to look at projects that encourage participation in physical activities and reduce people’s feelings of isolation. Each grant fund from this pot is limited to a maximum of £3000 per financial year but smaller grants (under £1000) are encouraged, particularly for new innovative and creative projects.

The second pot is for local groups to apply to help adapt their environments to assist people living with dementia to feel more comfortable accessing the wide range of services  provided in Brighton and Hove. Feedback from people living with dementia say they often struggle to navigate around spaces that the rest of us can take for granted. Have a look at this checklist which will hopefully inspire you to think about how you can make your environment more dementia friendly. Each grant from this pot is limited to a maximum of £2000 per financial year.

Applications are invited from local organisations and businesses that are committed to joining the Dementia Action Alliance and helping us achieve our core objectives namely that of Brighton and Hove being recognised as a Dementia Friendly Community, tackling the stigma associated with dementia and reducing the social isolation of people with dementia and their carers. Organisations can apply for finances from both funding streams if appropriate. If you would like a copy of the relevant application form and the accompanying guidance notes then please email Matthew at [email protected].