A chance to tell health planners what your members need

As part of the 2016 update of some of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) summaries, the JSNA team within Public Health is asking for evidence from community and voluntary organisations in Brighton and Hove.

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a piece of research which provides a high level overview of the population of Brighton and Hove, and of the current and future health and wellbeing needs of local people.

To support the process, Community Works and Healthwatch are holding sessions on 27 July and 28 July. You can book half an hour with Kate Gilchrist, Head of Public Health Intelligence to discuss your evidence before submitting it.

To book a half an hour slot just email [email protected] or call 01273 234025.

You can find additional information along with the submission form here: http://www.bhcommunityworks.org.uk/joint-strategic-needs-assessment/

The deadline to submit evidence is the 12th August 2016. To submit evidence along with the completed submission form, please email [email protected]