Next Brighton Soup event 29th April

Brighton Soup are holding their next event on Friday 29th April at The Crypt, Kemptown.

Community projects who need a little funding are invited to submit their ideas by midday on Tuesday 5th April. Four shortlisted projects will be invite to pitch on the night to win the ticket money.

If you want to know about what it’s like to pitch at BrightonSoup:

Projects must be charitable and of benefit to the people in Brighton & Hove City. If interested please apply online at or send a couple of paragraphs explaining your project and what you would do with the money to [email protected].

At the last BrightonSoup event in February, Simon Cobb from Stoneham Bakehouse won the vote and took £352.20 in ticket money for his Elephant Bike to Delivery Bread & Wellbeing project. Although one project got the funding, all the projects benefited from connecting with people and getting skills pledges and offers of help. It’s a great opportunity to meet people and get support.