Free cookery classes for community groups and volunteers

The Big Fig is offering free cookery classes for community groups and volunteers.

The aim of these courses are to promote the benefits of healthy eating and to create a better understanding of how to prepare healthy food. Students will also be able to demonstrate enhanced knowledge and skills in cookery and work related areas, improving their employability. The courses are delivered in a way that provides both practical work in the kitchen and classroom-based exercises. During the course the learners will be able to create a nutritionally balanced meal plan and help prepare a healthy meal. Courses can be tailored to meet the needs of the learners. At the end of each course, learners will receive photos of their meals, a copy of their meal plan and a certificate of achievement. Each course will run for a total 6 hours over one or two days depending on your requirements.
The Catering Project at the Big Fig can run outreach healthy cookery training in a variety of locations and course are for disadvantaged learners (age 16+) or those who are volunteering in community groups or community cafes.

Contact Mo Yuchetel

01273 468200

[email protected]