Free video production training

Media Trust are running a Free video production training course in Brighton.

13th November 2015: 11am-5.30pm
Brighthelm, North Road.

There are 10 places available at each workshop; these are not allocated on a first come first served basis so they are asking people to complete an application form to enable them to target those groups they feel will get the most from this opportunity and from the subsequent mentoring available to them following the workshop.

The Workshop

This introductory workshop is designed to help charities and community groups understand how they can turn their stories into short films, and will cover planning, recording and editing. A hands-on learning environment will give practical guidance on using low-cost equipment and techniques that will make videos look professional, even on a low budget.

The workshop is part of Do #SomethingBrilliant, a two year campaign funded by Big Lottery that sets out to celebrate the inspiring stories from communities across the UK.

Who is it for

The Do #SomethingBrilliant video production workshop is for charities and community groups interested in creating their own video content for the web and broadcast platforms like Community Channel. Workshop graduates will be mentored through an assignment to create a short film about the great work they are doing in their community, a film that will inspire others to do something brilliant.

Please note, Do #SomethingBrilliant offers training and access to equipment only in the workshop context; participating organisations will need to demonstrate that they have access to adequate equipment with which to produce their short film in a period to be agreed following the workshop.

Groups in Sussex can hire the Resource Centre video cameras.

For more information or to receive an application form, email Reshma Biring: [email protected].