How we are funded


In the financial year 2023-24, our total income was £198,597.

We raised £48,122 (24%) of this from our print and equipment services. Our income from services has now recovered and is back to the same level as it was before the pandemic.

As always, the core of our income came from regular grants and contracts:

  • We received £89,853 from the Third Sector Commissioning programme, funded by Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC). This was 45% of our total income and, as always, is really critical for the continued existence of the Resource Centre. It funds most of our front desk work, enabling us to provide our print, hire and advice service on a drop-in basis.
  • Another key regular funding stream is our contract with Housing Services. At £36,347 this comprised 18% of our income in 2023-24. These funds allowed us to provide free advice and support to tenants’ associations and secretarial support for their participation in the Resident Involvement structure.
  • We also provide free advice and support for early years and childcare settings in the most marginalised neighbourhoods of Brighton & Hove. This work is free of charge to the groups and is funded by a contract with City Early Years and Childcare. We received £7,500, which accounted for 4% of our total income.
  • We received £2,000 (1%) from East Brighton Trust, specifically to support groups from East Brighton

As well as these regular grants and contracts we are grateful to a range of funders for additional grant funding in 2023-24. We received:

  • £5,000 (2.5%) from Sussex Community Foundation, to support our advice and support work with member groups
  • £5,000 (2.5%) from Chalk Cliff Trust, to support our work with disabled people’s groups

Finally, we received £4,775 in miscellaneous donations and bank interest, which together make up 2% of our total income.


Our total expenditure for the year was £217,436.

As always staff costs, at £161,935, made up by far the largest part (74%) of our expenditure.

The remainder of our expenditure was as follows:

  • £23,770 on direct service provision and equipment
  • £30,997 on premises and other essential core costs
  • £733 on governance

We continue to ensure that a high proportion (85%) of our expenditure goes on direct service provision with a relatively small amount (15%) being spent on administration and running costs.

Our 2023-24 annual accounts will be approved at our AGM in October/November 2024.

Page updated: May 2024