Table tennis at your community centre?

Table Tennis England are offering free table tennis tables to community centres in Brighton & Hove.

The person to contact about this is Keiron Pelling on [email protected] or 07972 222068.

Keiron said:

“I am a table tennis development officer working for Table Tennis England and I have been working with the Brighton table tennis community to increase the opportunities for people to play. This work includes the summer Ping! festival and putting funding towards creating table tennis sessions.

Table tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by everyone, and most people I speak to say they enjoy playing – but don’t have opportunities to play. It truly is an inclusive sport, attractive to the young and old, able bodied and disabled alike.

To maximise the opportunities to play I have a small budget that allows me to place table tennis tables into places that can make use of them.

How the table gets used is up to you. Whether it is just making it available to use by the community groups that use your venue or organising specific activity around it, I’m happy to work with you to make it work.

There is no catch to this offer, so there are not any hidden costs to you – other than perhaps replacing bats and balls when they need to be replaced in the future.

If you are interested in this offer and would like to find out how table tennis can work for you, please contact me by phone or email and I can provide further information.”