Free training opportunities for volunteers

Whitehawk Inn has organised free training for volunteers in Brighton and Hove. If you are a volunteer for any organisation, you are welcome to book a place.

To book a place please call 01273 682 222 or email [email protected]

Topics and dates are:

  • First Aid  – Tuesday 2nd June 9:30-4:30
  • IT tips and tricks – Part 1 Tuesday 9th June 9:30-12:30; Part 2 Tuesday 16th June 9:30-12:30
  • Fundraising – Wednesday 10th June 9:30-4:30
  • Food Safety – Tuesday 11th June 9:30-4:30
  • Fire Safety / Warden – Tuesday 16th June 9:30 – 12:30
  • Using a Laptop – Thursday 18th June 10:30 – 12:30
  • Using a Google Calendar – Thursday 18th June 1:30 – 3:30
  • Strategic Business – Part 1 Thursday 25th June 9:30 – 12:30; Part 2 Thursday 2nd July 9:30 – 1:00
  • Introduction to Word – Wednesday 1st July 1:30-4:30
  • Word Intermediate – Wednesday 8th July 9:30-4:30
  • Using Social Media – Wednesday 15th July 1:30-4:30
  • Powerpoint – Wednesday 22nd July 9:30-4:30